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Say you're done with me
                         [Arash Buana]

"Where is this car from?"This was the first question Yeonjun asked after coming out from the cafe

"Remember Lea? I told you a friend about. It's her. She's inside the car . And guess where are we going!! To the pool party." Maria exclaimed with excitements as her eyes shine.


Before Yeonjun could proceed Maria pulled him inside the car and the car drove off leaving no remaining spots.

3:20 am.

"Yeonjuniee oppa can we just stay here tonight?" Maria slurred.

"I've to work tomorrow. Don't you remember what you said? And now we can't freely flail around because I work under someone and you are the one who sent me there." Yeonjun was sober because he just took some few shots unless Maria who was completely waisted.

Drunk bickering stopped at a point when Yeonjun finally called for a taxi to their new house. He hated taking responsibilities but Maria was his asset.


For over intoxication Maria couldn't wake up next morning so Yeonjun just left a note on the table .

"You came?" Soobin sniggered throwing doubtful glances at the older.

"What do you mean?" Yeonjun's spoke in a tight voice glaring at the blonde.

"I thought you'll get wasted at the pool party and sleep until today afternoon." Soobin didn't look at the older busy in preparing batter for the pancakes.

"How did you know that I was at a pool party? Wait-did just stalked me?" Yeonjun glared frowning his eyebrows.

"In your dreams. I just happened to hear your girl exclaiming way too loud outside our cafe yesterday. And I'm not deaf."

"Yeah I forgot you've bunny ears." Yeonjun pulled Soobin's ear playfully .
Soobin smiled for a second but pulled back next second in realization .

"I can't remind you everyday to be formal with each other." He informed sternly .

"Soobin ?"

"Barista Choi..."

"Soobin didn't you missed me a lil bit in these long four years of time?" Yeonjun's voice wavered and he sounded weak. Ofcourse he fucking missed Soobin. And meeting someone you missed badly for four years senility of lifespan and not being able to hug them instantly was a traumatic present for Yeonjun.

"What the hell are you..."

"Please Soobin stop fooling around. Just for fuck's sake be real ." Yeonjun pleaded but in a warning tone .

"I didn't miss you. And I don't think you did too. Missing someone who left you at your worst will be the next worst dicision of my life ."Yeonjun noticed slight change in Soobin's tone that signaled the switch to the voice he only used with him. The one that was just as dry and cold but that would now come with an extra layer of disdain and distance.

"I'm sorry for what I did but that doesn't.."Yeonjun clenched the soft fibre hanging from him body as his vision started to faint.

"That does. I forgot everything about those years I spent with you. I remember others but you're not even in my blur memories. "
Soobin's bitter words in thick voice poked Yeonjun's ear. Ofcourse he knew it was coming the moment he saw Soobin. And it was his initiative to instigate Soobin because Soobin simply just ignored his past relationships with Yeonjun. So Soobin can't be blamed otherwise.

"You hate me that much?" Yeonjun voice cracked eyes glistening as he tries to hold back his tears .

"Hate? Yeonjun listen I honestly don't have any feelings for you in the first place. Hate is considered as a feeling too right? But I just don't have any emotions towards you . Negative or positive none. " Soobin sentenced in the most possible cold way.

Yeonjun's hands started getting sweaty. It happens when he tries to hold back his tear. The tears come out of his palm instead of his tear glands . Yeonjun only gawked swallowing the lump on his throat as he wiped his sweaty palm against his clothing and he kept doing it .

"I'm... I'm i'mmm sorry for e..everything. I know how it ruined your lives. " Yeonjun admitted solemnly.

Soobin stared at him for a second as he replied him with a second harsh word. "Sorry isn't even worthy Yeonjun." He scoffed.

Yeonjun was a crybaby. But he changed. In these years. But a person can never completely change himself how much he tries. Their own self always stays latent inside them which comes out time by the time.
The one last time. Yeonjun couldn't.
Fat tears rolling down his cheeks down to his chins. lingering regret crawls over his face and he runs out.

Soobin was suffering too. This wasn't the Soobin. Yeonjun left and Soobin didn't even bother but he was wallowing in sadness as he heard the footsteps slowly subside .


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