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"so Soobin can you accompany me to Seoul?"

"Uncle Seung-an,you know you can always rely on me." A cheeky smile plastering on Soobin's face.

"That's why I came to you." Uncle appealed with a warm gesture.

"So we're leaving today night right?" Soobin asked again for confirmation.


It was Tuesday. And the cafe remains close on every Tuesday so Soobin had no chance of meeting Yeonjun and telling him about his sudden plan to go Seoul.
And to his misfortunes, he even didn't have Yeonjun's number. But he knows his address. Soobin used to live in the same building when he moved to Gangnam but he shifted.

As Soobin didn't have Yeonjun's number so he thought of an alternative.
Visiting his home.
As thought ,he went to Yeonjun's apartment at afternoon expecting him to be home.
Yeonjun has a girlfriend so it wouldn't be surprising if he isn't home in off days.
He can go out with with his girlfriend but aware of all possibilities soobin finally stopped at his house.

Soobin asked uncle Seung-an Yeonjun's flat number before coming. He could've taken Yeonjun's number from him instead but he just wanted to see Yeonjun's face before leaving. The face he longed for 4 fucking years. And now he didn't want to miss the glorious chance .

Soobin pressed the bell in hesitation.
Expecting Yeonjun to open the door but instead he got welcomed by a messy and annoyed face after waiting for five minutes outside.
The girl looked drenched in sweat, smudged mascara allover her face. Dress specifically the nighty barely hanging on her body.

"Who are you and what do you want?" She asked with difficulty catching her breathes.

"I...wan.." Soobin couldn't continue. He knows this look . He knows they were having quality time and he interrupted it. He felt guilty. Scrupulosity visible on his face.

"Maria who?" Soobin recognized the voice immediately that echoed from inside.
He regretted coming here. He regretted everything.

"Sorry." Soobin murmured and bowed in an apologetic gesture.

Maria frowns in confusion.
Soobin turned to leave when he heard the familiar voice once again but this time from a closer distance.

"Who came at this hou.." The voice was mixed with immense annoyance but it stopped in midway.

"Soobin?" It called back.

Soobin didn't want to but turned back.
Yeonjun was fixing his pants.
His hairs messy.
Soobin couldn't  look in his eyes.
He hated this sight.
He wanted the floor to get apart in two halves so he could just jump inside it.
He felt himself a legit clown.
He was so embarrassed.

"You know him?" Maria asked fixing her stripes.

By that time Yeonjun came to the entrance..

"Yes." Yeonjun replied quickly.

"I'm.. I'm..his coworker in the cafe ." Soobin added.

"Oh okay talk what you came for ." Maria walked inside.

"Soobin what're you doing here at this hour?" Yeonjun pressed his one hand on the border of the door  and moved closer to Soobin.
Soobin scrunched his nose in the familiar smell.
Yeonjun reeked of alcohol and sex.
Soobin absolutely hates alcohol.
And right now Yeonjun as well.

"I came to tell you that cafe will be closed tomorrow because me and uncle are going to Seoul." Soobin's voice turned colder.

"Seoul why and.." Yeonjun couldn't complete before that Soobin turned around swaggering to the staircase.
Yeonjun could see the upset face of the younger. Soobin wasn't a dumb to understand the situation. He is an adult.

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