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my love
in this moment
i love you so much
that i think i could just
unravel my heartstrings
and tie them to yours

my love
in the next moment
i think i will love you so much
that i might actually
reach into my chest
and do it

my love
in the moments after that
i think i will love you so much
my whole heart
will just fall apart at its seams
each stitch popped
one by one
each atria and valve
unwinding themselves like ribbon

my love
in every moment
i love you more
and that leaves me undone
it unhitches my lungs
and untangles my atoms
it unscrews my door hinges
and unstitches my insides
it untwists the lampshades
and it bursts all the lightbulbs
it simmers and boils
and explodes and implodes
until my whole being just
comes apart
for you.

no, i love you more

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