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you and i were like
two puzzle pieces
from opposite ends of the picture
that somehow fit better
than the pieces they were made for.
like a sinking ship in a shallow river
or paper boats in a duck pond
it seemed right at first.
it seemed meant to be.
until you finish the puzzle
and the picture isn't right
or the paper disintegrates in the water
or the sinking ship fucking
explodes or something
and you didn't see any of it coming
but maybe you should have.
or maybe you did
and just ignored it because
you love him or whatever
but at the end of it all
it doesn't really matter does it?
why you still said yes
or who said i love you first
it doesn't really matter
because regardless it still ends the same.
the puzzle pieces don't really fit
and the sinking ship still explodes
and the paper boat still
falls apart after too long in the water
it all ends the same.
we still end the same.
we still end.

doomed from the start

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