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i want to be kissed
like a girl in a movie
with the soft orchestral music
and a boy so gentle
you'd only see it on screen
i want to be held
the way two girl friends
hold each other
so intimately
you're in the cinema
practically screaming
you're gay for each other!
i want to be loved
by someone willing
to bravely stand outside my window
with a boombox and flowers
and confess how it's always been me
i want to be loved
so loud
so violent
so breathtakingly passionate
that I'd have to check
for boom mics and cameras
but this isn't a movie, is it?
there's no soft orchestral music
no gentle boy
no sweet girl holding my hand
no boom box or flowers
or a love confession for the ages
there is only me
sitting in the cinema
loving people
like a girl does in the movies
watching them
stand there
in silence.

love is not a movie.

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