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i grieve with the children born in rubble
for the families they will never know
for the future they could've had
that wasn't filled with ashes of war
and the smell of blood and death
i grieve for the women
for the wives and the daughters
now buried beneath the wreckage
or rotting in the streets
i grieve for the poetry
that now sits on the tongues of the dead
buried under debris like treasure
with the poets and their ghosts
i grieve for all the stories shared
by the mouths of families
that no longer have anyone to speak them
i grieve and i grieve and i grieve
and the earth shakes beneath me
echoing the bombs
that decimate history
i grieve and i grieve and i grieve
and still there is more
more dead and more dying
more prayers and more penance
more guns and more bullets
more children in the rubble
more stories lost
more families gone in the blink of an eye
and still there is more
a land full of mourning
from the river to the sea
still it cries
still it cries
for freedom

free palestine

hi folks! there are a couple things i would like to say:

1. in no way is this poem meant to be seen as hateful towards Jewish people (idk why you would, but just in case lol). i have great respect for Jewish culture and Jewish people. i have, and always will be, an advocate for jewish rights. but i do not support Zionism.

2. i am, and always will be, against violence no matter the situation, regardless of who started it or continues it. i am a pacifist. supporting war goes against all of my core beliefs. i support a ceasefire.

i would never judge anyone for their beliefs so please respect mine !

Hope your okay, but it's okay if you're not,
Sickly Sweet

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