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i don't think we're meant to be together
not right person wrong time
or wrong person right time
more like there was never a time
because we were never supposed to be together
we're two impossibilities
that even fate couldn't predict
and now the universe is unraveling
loving you is fighting gravity
it defies the laws of physics
it smashes through reality
and rips a hole in the fucking
space-time continuum
loving you causes climate change
it makes catastrophic hurricanes
it causes earthquakes so severe
that it breaks apart the fucking
western seaboard
we are parallel lines intersecting
an immovable object spinning out
an unstoppable force slamming to a halt
we are paradox on paradox on paradox
and we are taking the whole world down with us
and still
like an immovable object
like an unstoppable force
i can't fight my nature
i can't stop loving you
we are not meant to be together
but we are
and it can't be undone

we are not meant to be together

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