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i spent a weekend at your house
and now i can't sleep without you
i miss how you snore
how you toss and turn
how you throw the blankets off the bed
just to wrap yourself in them
only five minutes later
i miss how warm your sheets are
how you'd wake up at times
and give me the sweetest groggiest smile
before reburying your face in the pillow
i miss sleeping next to you so much
that i would even let you kiss me
with your morning breath and all
and i wouldn't complain
not even once
because now my love
i just can't sleep here
my comforter is too small
when you're not wrapped in it too
my room is too loud
when I can't hear you snoring next to me
my pillow is too hot
my blanket is too cold
this stupid little bed
is too big without you in it
so the only conclusion
the only possible solution
is to just sleep next to you
for the rest of my life

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