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i rot here
in this grave of a dorm room
in this casket of a bed
sleeping from morning to night
i stave off my headache
as my fluorescent lights flicker above me
and make entertainment
out of watching my bones decay
this is what it feels like to be buried, i think
i can practically hear the funeral rites
like i'm already six feet under
maybe i should be.
but i can't even bring myself to get up
much less do that
so what good would it do
to entertain the idea.
besides i'm already getting the experience
i already know what it is to decay
it takes all the prettiness in you
leaves you with back pain
and calls it a fair trade
but it's easy
so easy
to just lie in wait for it
so easy
to just do nothing
and let the rot take you
which is perhaps
how i ended up here
in this grave of a dorm room
in this casket of a bed
making entertainment
of watching my bones decay


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