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i am sick of your secrets
and the home they've made in my mouth
i want to dig out the sins
you buried in my tongue
rinse out the shame
that's stuck to my gums
because even now when i smile
your reflection catches in my teeth
almost like your standing in front of me
dragging the down the corners
until i'm left with a frown
i am sick of your secrets
of swallowing them whole
again and again and again
i am choking on your crimes
so that you can breathe easy
and it isn't fair
that i have to pay the penance
and carry the burden on my tongue
that now i want to rip out my teeth
just to rid myself of you
that still you take from me
like you didn't steal enough already
i am sick of your secrets
i am sick of the home they've made in my mouth
i've printed out the eviction notice
and i'm posting it on my lips
because they can not stay here
they will not stay here
i will not lose my teeth
my gums
my tongue
my voice
to your precious secrets
i am sick of your secrets
i will not keep them anymore
i will not keep them anymore

cleaning my teeth

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