-.-You die on a hunt-.-

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A/n: This chapter has been edited from the original version. Will contain S11 spoilers.


You were hopelessly outnumbered fighting against demons with Dean. You were standing back to back, he had a gun, you had Ruby's knife. The hunt had started out just fine, but as it progressed, it only got worse.

In the midst of all the action, you felt his presence leave you as he was flung across the room. There was a loud gasp as he hit the wall, knocked unconscious upon impact. But, due to that, your back was exposed.

A knife cut through your spine and your body immediately went into shock. You couldn't support your own weight as you felt the blade being twisted and slowly pulled out. 

You would have liked to say you felt no pain, but the agony filled all of your senses like a white-hot fire.

"Y/n!" Dean called as he tried to regain his footing, you looked over to meet his pained gaze. He grabbed his gun and fired continuously as you dropped to your knees. In a fit of rage, your husband took out all of the remaining demons then rushed to your side.

Propping your head up and pulling your body close, he knew that he wouldn't be able to save you. His instincts screamed to get you to the Impala, but you only shook your head.

"It's pointless," you murmured, reaching up and resting your hand over his jawline. A single tear streamed down his cheek, you wiped it away with your thumb.

"Nothing is pointless." You held his gaze even when you felt blood bubble up your throat and threaten to choke you. It spread over your clothing, and Dean's efforts to keep you alive proved to be worthless.

"I love you, Dean," you whispered, knowing that these might be the last words you said. Who cared if they were cliché if they were true?

"I love you, too," he responded, bringing a smile to your lips. You relaxed into his arms and let out a content sigh. Your pain started fading, slowly but surely, until you felt nothing.


You could hear the ragged breathing of a werewolf chasing behind you. Your thundering footsteps echoed down the alley and your lungs burned from running so much.

Your job was to be a diversion. The goal of the hunt was to lead the werewolf away from the town's citizens to ensure maximum safety. So far, it was going pretty well, despite feeling like your heart was going to burst.

You reached the end of the alley and spun on your heel, making the ultimate decision that you wouldn't be able to run any further. You were close enough to the ambush Sam and Dean set up. Grabbing your gun loaded with silver bullets, you fired, hitting the werewolf right under the heart.

You didn't have time to curse yourself for your mistake when you felt claws rake themselves over your chest and down to your gut. You screamed, only to have it come out as a pained gurgle of blood welling up your throat. The excruciating pain throbbed throughout your veins and you wanted to curl up and never move again.

But, the werewolf wasn't done. You could feel hands crawling up your chest as if they were slowly trying to dig your heart out. You were beginning to think this was a hellhound in a human's body...

"Hey!" A loud shout echoed from the streets. There was a noise of a gun being fired and a body fell on top of you, only to be pulled off soon after. "Y/n!" the same voice exclaimed, as you recognized it to be Sam.

Your boyfriend cradled you in his arms and you could hear him calling for Dean.

"This is my fault," he sobbed, which snapped you into focus.

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