I haven't had a decent sleep in a long, long time so I used that as inspiration!
I wish I liked coffee...
Nightmares were a hunter's curse. Constantly, you found yourself trying to fall asleep, but with no luck due to the thought of having another one of them. You dedicated your nights to practicing your battle skills and researching, anything to keep from falling asleep. It seemed like dreams were the one place you couldn't protect yourself. Dreams were where your walls crumbled and nobody was there to comfort you.
"Y/n, when was the last time you got a good night's rest?" Dean questioned you. It was dark out and he was about to get his four hours.
"Last night, actually," you lied, quickly casting a look in the mirror as you passed the bathroom, just to make sure your concealer hiding your shadows under your eyes was still functioning. Dean grabbed you hand and spun you around to face him, then reached up and put his hand on your cheek.
"You don't have to lie to me." He rubbed his thumb under your eye and gave you a sympathetic look. "I've noticed the symptoms to your insomnia. You're not weak for having nightmares, it happens to the best of us. You look like you are ready to doze off at any second."
Truth be told, you were on the verge of passing out, you hadn't slept in that long.
"Come with me." He pulled you to his room and got on his bed, patting the space next to him. You laid down and he wrapped his arms around you. "Sleep, I'll protect you."
That was the first good night you had in ages.
It was dark out, you were huddled in the middle of your bed. You had tried to sleep, but you found yourself unable to fall unconscious. This had been happening for weeks, months even. You would go without rest until you passed out. You didn't want to bother Sam or Dean with your problems, you figured you could solve this one on your own.
You heard footsteps walk past your door and you jumped when you heard a knock.
"Yes?" you asked, the door opened to reveal Sam.
"You're not asleep."
"You're not either, plus you woke me up. With your knock." Sam didn't look convinced.
"I knew you weren't getting enough rest," he sighed. You looked down at your sheets, which had suddenly become more interesting than this conversation.
"I didn't want to burden you."
"Burden me? It's okay to ask for help." He sat down on the corner of your bed and you snuggled into him. He laid down so it was more comfortable for you both and next thing you knew, you were out like a light.
Your mind raced with thoughts of all your hunts. You tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't. You heard the flutter of wings and the bed dipped with a new weight.
"Shh, go to sleep," he whispered. He laid on his back beside you and let you curl up next to him. "I'm here now, I know you haven't had a good rest in days, let me chase away the monsters." There was a silence and you could hear his soft intake and outtake of breath. His hands stroked gently through your hair, as if to soothe you.
Slowly, your unconsciousness started taking over until you in a dreamless sleep.
You had been refusing to go to sleep. There were too many bad things stored in your mind that kept you up at night and haunted your dreams, if you got the lucky chance to actually go unconscious.
During the night, you mind seemed to go in overdrive, too many thoughts keeping you up.
Gabriel, being a clever ex-trickster he was knew your health was decaying from your insomnia. You wouldn't let him use his powers to help you, out of fear that you would have another nightmare.
He decided, in order to help, to put you on a sugar high that could only end in a sugar crash.
He knew that this was also bad for your health, but once he tricked you into sleep and warded away your nightmares... you would would get better.
You were practically bouncing around the bunker, your brothers sending you weird looks.
"Gabe, what did you do to our sister?" Sam looked at him crossly.
"Just a little insomnia trick," he smirked and watched as the sugar started wearing off.
"I'm sleepy-" you slurred and collapsed onto the couch.
"Bingo." Gabriel sent a triumphant look to the Winchester brothers and walked over to you, picking you up and carrying you to your room. He then entered your dream, and protected you from your monsters.
You didn't know that she noticed you not falling asleep. But, she only confronted you when you practically fainted while eating lunch. When you regained focus, there was a cup of tea waiting for you.
"Talk to me, Y/n." Charlie sat across from you. "What has been keeping you up?"
You spilled everything about your insomnia. Nightmares, confessions, and worries that had been driving you insane.
"Don't worry, Y/n, I'll be here for you, always." She led you up to your room after you finished your tea. She commanded you to lay down, and you obeyed. Then she sat next to you and pulled out The Fellowship of the Ring and read until you fell asleep.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...