Cello- Sam

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Requested by: The_Fandoms_Collide

You've always been a hunter. Your parents were hunters, your grandparents were, great- grandparents, etc. You get the point. But that didn't stop you from going to school and learning to play the cello. You found that through the years, your love for that instrument only grew and grew as your talent expanded.

You were playing constantly, in the dirty motels your parents stayed in to the recitals that your parents failed to show up for. You became the best in all your classes, you were the one who always got the solos. You just loved the deep baritone sound and the feel of the strings against your fingers.

Years later, when you were able to hunt by yourself, you met the Winchesters and they took you in as part of their team.

You and Sam were researching for a hunt. Dean decided that he needed to go out for a drink and hadn't returned yet.

You were bored. Flipping through lore books was not your ideal Friday night, but, somebody had to do something about the murders going around. You slapped your book shut with an annoyed groan.

"Nothing?" Sam asked.

"Not a thing," you sighed, resting your head against your hands.

"Why don't you take a break, I can handle these last few books." Sam gave you a soft smile. You nodded and dashed off to get your cello, which you still played after your school years were over.

You brought it back to where Sam was sitting and sat down, resting the instrument against your shoulder and leaning it back until it was comfortable. This was usual for you. Once you were done researching, you would play music for the boys.

You closed your eyes and started playing, letting the music come to you. The notes sounded effortless and you soon realized you were playing 'Radioactive' from Imagine Dragons.

Sam looked up from his book and gawked at you, but you didn't notice.

When the song ended, you heard clapping and you blushed. Sam was looking at you with a look of pure admiration.

But then you decided to have a little fun.

You started doing Jaws music.

Dun nun

"Y/n," Sam said in a warning tone.

Dun nun

"Y/n, I'm serious." You only giggled, continuing to move your bow across the strings. Sam gave you a playful bitch face and started to get up from his chair.

Dun nun Dun nun Dun nun

Sam was so close to you now. You gave a small squeal and quickly, but carefully, set your cello down right before Sam tackled you.

"Got you," he said proudly. "What have I told you about playing music like that while researching?" His voice had a scolding tone that parents would use with their child.

"It wasn't even-"

"Y/n." He leaned down so his face was hovering above yours, so close you could feel the warmth of his breath.

"You told me not to play stressful music while researching or when tensions are high," you pouted. "Now let me up. Since you are boring, I will play Bach instead."

"Y/n," Sam warned again.

"It's pretty music!" you struggled. "I didn't mean boring, I meant- delightful, charming..."

Sam rolled his eyes and helped you up, picking up your cello and handing it to you.

Dun nun

"Goddammit, Y/n!" Sam turned to you, but humor lingered in his eyes.

"Just kidding!" you screeched and changed the song to one of Bach's.

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