Though you try to hide it when you are not feeling well, Dean manages to see right through that. He'll go to the store and buy whatever you need and come back to turn on a movie for you. You spend the rest of the day with Dean and a box of tissues at your side.Sam-
Sam will immediately turn into your own personal doctor. He will force you to stay in bed and won't let you get up to do anything, except go to the bathroom. He'll bring you soup and crackers then turn on the TV— it can be both nice and annoying.Castiel-
Cas doesn't understand how humans get sick, immediately he goes to Dean and Sam to ask for advice. He'll come back with a box of tissues and soup then sit by your side, occasionally asking if you needed anything.Gabriel-
Gabe will try and make you laugh, anything to get your spirits high. He knows you can't eat much candy, but he still gives you chocolate.Charlie-
Charlie will practically turn into a servant and treat you like you're her queen. She'll go and come back will a bowl of cough drops that you can access as much as you wish. She'll make you stay in bed and turn on the TV for you. She even reads for you.Lucifer-
Using his extra angel mojo he will cure you of all ills. But, just to be safe he will make sure you take it easy for the rest of the week just to ensure you don't get sick again.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...