Part 2 requested by: Tonight_is_Tomorrow
"Salt and burn, check," you announced as the grave went up in flames. You picked up your shovel from the ground and walked away with your brothers. "What's next? I'm on a roll! We can't stop here."
Sam groaned. "This is the fifth hunt we've been on in a row!"
"So? I don't want to be bored! You know what happened last time..."
"Jesus, Y/n," Dean coughed. "Would it kill you to take a break every now and then?"
You shrugged. "No... I don't know what would happen. But I would hate to find out. I want to do something!"
"Call down Cas," Sam suggested. "If anything, he can find you a case."
"In the mean time, I need my four hours," Dean said. "The sooner we get back to that crappy motel, the better."
The three of you walked to the impala.
The motel was on the brink of falling apart. You lay wide awake in the creaky, old bed that has seen far better days. How you wished to be back at Bobby's... You had a comfortable bed there (a couch, really), a shower with good water pressure, and all the lore books you could read!
Your phone buzzed. You gladly got out of bed to check it.
From: Chuck Shurley
Convention Number 3? Sam and Dean invited. Castiel?
You frowned. The first convention was a disaster beyond the grave. The second? Not so bad considering that the fans thought that Y/n was the best character of the Supernatural books. And, of course, you were Y/n and Supernatural was a tale of your private life for all to read... But was the third time really the charm?
You would have to find out.
So the next day, you and your brothers packed up and headed out.
The convention was at a three star hotel. The ballroom had been rented out and filled with chairs in front of a little stage. The parking lot was conveniently full of 1967 Chevy Impalas. The lobby was full of plaid shirts, fake knives, and trench coats.
Dean muttered, "We've got to be mad."
"Just call Cas already. It seemed like Chuck wanted him here. J-just, don't do it in the middle of the lobby. People might freak out especially since they're all nerds."
"What's wrong with being a nerd?" Sam asked.
"Absolutely nothing but you know... it would be interesting to give away our true selves in front of people who enjoy reading about our lives, don't you think?"
Dean sighed, moving to somewhere a little more sheltered. "Once upon a time: There was an angel named Castiel. Castiel got his ass down to the hotel where the Winchesters were at- not only because Dean called, but a prophet of God himself. The End."
Castiel stood beside Dean, giving the Winchester a heavy side eye.
"Was that necessary, Dean?"
Your older brother shrugged. "It got the job done, didn't it?"
"Hey, Cas," you greeted.
His gaze lightened. "Hello, Y/n."
You left your brothers to go check out the hotel for any EMF or sulfuric smells. You and Castiel strolled through the lobby.
"Woah! Killer Cast-eel cosplay, man!" A man dressed like a '67 Chevy Impala raced over to the angel.
"It's pronounced Castiel."
"You got the low voice too! Nice!" The car-man looked at you. "And you're Y/n!"
You faked a smile, hoping it wasn't too awkward. "You're Dean's car..."
"Just call me 'Baby,' alright?"
"Sure thing..." You were most certainly not calling that man 'Baby.'
Minutes later, Castiel was swarmed by a group of men and women- all dressed like either you or Dean.
"Your outfit is so realistic! It's almost as if the real Castiel were standing right of front of me."
"I am Castiel," the angel said, slightly baffled.
"An angel of the Lord? Did you grip Dean tight and raise him from perdition?"
"Oh! How do you feel about Y/n?"
"What about Dean?!"
"I ship Destiel! But Y/n and Cas are so goals!"
You sighed, deciding now was the time to step in. "Sorry, ladies and gents, this one is taken." You planted a kiss on Castiel's cheek. The angel stiffened slightly, but he eased into his role. And by eased... He took your shoulders and planted a rough kiss over your lips. It was harsh, slightly desperate, and dear Jesus it was good!
The crowd dispersed shortly afterwards.
You pulled apart. You had to put a hand over your heart and take a few breaths to calm yourself down.
"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate."
"That was fine, Cas. Just... Nevermind."
Luckily, Chuck arrived, saving the both of you from an even more awkward moment. "Thanks for coming. I saw Sam and Dean upstairs and everything seems fine."
"Cool, cool," you said, hoping that your face wasn't still too flushed.
"You're welcome to stay and watch the panel, if you like. I figured Castiel would like to attend at least one."
There were actually a lot more fans at this convention. Supernatural was definitely becoming popular- you weren't sure if it was 'to your dismay' or 'to your amazement.' The books were going to be released online!
"What do you have planned for the Winchesters?"
"Um," Chuck laughed nervously, "more hunts, as usual. Ghosts, demons, and some more angels... I can't say too much otherwise you won't be surprised, but it's going to get pretty intense. Uh, you in the Slow-Dancing Alien cosplay-"
"Will there be a return for the Trickster? He's not dead, right?"
"I'm not quite sure yet. The Trickster shows up when you least expect him too... but I think he might, maybe."
You and your brother's shared a nervous look. Chuck continued, "Sam cosplay, front row. What's your question?"
"Mr. Edlund, What is the current relationship status between Castiel and Y/n, I can't really tell."
You looked up at the stage. Your eyes met with a (very nervous) Chuck's.
"Yeah, Carver!" you shouted. "What is their relationship status, I would really like to know!"
"Uh- Uh- I think there is a profound bond between Castiel and Y/n... And really, Supernatural is a book about good versus evil, family, and strength so I feel like exposing the details on them may turn the book into an opposite direction. But, I know for a fact that Castiel and Y/n kissed in a hotel lobby once. Whether or not that makes it into the story, we'll have to see."
Sam and Dean's jaw dropped and they turned to you.
"It was all him," you muttered.
"You kissed my sister?" Dean hissed.
"We were in a compromising situation," Castiel informed them.
Dean smiled a very threatening smile. "We're going to have a talk about this later, alright?"
And so went the rest of your day...

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanficJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...