Important! I am making a part 2 for this book, that will be published after chapter 130 or something. I need your help with the cover, above I attached three photos, please vote on the cover you like best. (1, 2, or 3) Sorry, it's a bad photo and it cuts off part of the pictures, but based off what you see, tell me which one you like.
Thank you!
Chapter based off of 'Amazing Day' by Coldplay
Sat on a roof// Named every star// Shed every bruise and showed every scar
It was a hard day filming on the set of Supernatural, you exited the studio once you wrapped up the scene you were filming. It was only eight in the afternoon, but it was dark. Your breath billowed out in puffs of steam and you gazed at the twilight sky, stars were already shining brightly.
You checked that no one was watching before you climbed up onto the roof of the building so you had a nice view of the parking lot with all the trailers and the scenery around the studio, but it was the best place to look at the stars.
You could say this was your secret hideout, a place to unwind before your next scene. Nobody knew you were up there, nobody came up here anyways.
You laid on your back, just listening and watching when you heard the ladder creak as someone else started coming up. You jumped up defensively, working on an excuse to explain why you were out alone when you should actually be in your trailer...
"Jared?" You saw that it was not a crew member, but one of your fellow crew members. You met each other's gaze, a blush crept up to your cheeks.
He shuffled awkwardly, holding out a blanket.
"I saw you climb up here, I thought you might get cold." He ran a hand through his hair. Your heart warmed at the thought of him thinking of your well-being. You cautiously approached Jared and accepted the blanket graciously.
"Thank you," you whispered shyly. You may be a great actor, but you were never any good at talking to other people off camera. Jared nodded and turned to leave, then you felt something crush down over you.
He came up for you, you might as well invite him to stay...
"Jared?" you piped. "Do you want to stay for a bit? I mean, um, if you want too?"
He turned back with a soft smile, "Sure."
You guided him over to your 'perch' and set up the blanket on the ground. You both sat down in silence, unsure what to say.
"This is a nice spot," Jared sighed, looking up at the stars. "Do you come up here often?"
"On days with nice weather, yes. It helps me unwind." You found words flowing freely from your mouth as you two continued talking. Asking each other questions and listening carefully to the responses.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...