State Farm- Castiel

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Flipping through a lore book, you felt a growing sense of frustration.

"Cas!" You shouted, deciding you needed an angel's perspective on trying to figure out what you were hunting.

"Hello Y/n." He was at your side in an instant. You handed him the newspaper clippings and showed him the websites you had pulled up.

"Do you know what this is?" You asked. He gazed intently at the newspaper, blue eyes never blinking.

"It seems like a Cambion to me." Cas replied.

"You mean the half demon half human?" You questioned, he nodded with a distracted look. He turned at stared off into the distance. "Cas?" You asked, trying to get his attention back.

"I have to go." He turned back to you and dipped his head, vanishing with the sound of flapping wings. You stared in the spot where he had been and shrugged. He was an angel, what's the point in trying to figure him out?

You looked back to your laptop, remembering when you and your brothers dealt with a Cambion before, and searched around for a lore page.

A couple minutes Sam wandered down to the library, hands full of groceries.

"Did you get pie?" Dean asked from behind you.

"Yes," Sam sighed. "I got pie." He went into the kitchen to put the food away then came back to look over your shoulder. "A Cambion?"

"Yeah, I called Cas earlier and that's what he said." You shrugged.

"You called Cas?" Dean looked over to you. "How long ago?"

"A couple minutes." You answered, not taking your eyes off the laptop screen. "He didn't stay long, said he had someplace to be."


"Didn't sound like it. Should I call him again?"

There was a silence that hung over the bunker, Sam shrugged and walked off to his room.

"Hello Y/n."

You and Dean jumped backwards as Castiel reentered the bunker.

"What the Hell, Cas?" You put a hand over your heart that was beating frantically against your chest.

"I heard you talking about me." He tilted his head to the side. "Didn't you want me to come?"

You rolled your eyes, but then noticed that he was wearing a red shirt and not his usual white one.

"What's with the shirt?"

He looked down, tracing a hand over the fabric.

"I work at State Farm."

Dean, who had been drinking some beer, spat out his beverage.

"You? Working for an insurance company?" His shoulders shook with silent laughter as he put his forehead in his hands. "The 'like a good neighbor State Farm is there?'" His silent laughter turned into loud guffaws as he excused himself to the kitchen.

Cas looked blankly to the spot where Dean had been standing.

"I don't understand what the joke was about." The angel seemed a little disappointed. You sent him a sympathetic look.

"I think we just find it strange that you felt the desire to get a job when you already work for Heaven."

Cas opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a phone ringing.

"Sorry," he stuttered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a phone. "It's Cas from State Farm." The volume of the phone was loud enough for you to hear parts of the conversation.

'-really you can do that?' A male's voice sounded, only to be cut off by a woman's voice. You heard the sound of a phone being snatched.

'Who is this?!' The woman yelled.

"It's Cas, from State Farm." You looked up to the angel who had his eyebrows furrowed together.

'Oh YEAH?! What're you wearing, Cas from State Farm?'

Cas looked down and held out his trench coat.

"A, um, trench coat?"

'She sounded HIDEOUS!' The woman yelled, her voice muffled. Then you heard the guy's voice speak again.

'Well she's a guy so...'

The line went dead and Castiel stared at the phone blankly, then shrugged, putting it back into his pocket.

"I better get to my office-" He looked back to you with round, blue eyes. You nodded awkwardly.

"See you around-" but he was already gone. "Okay then, back to work."

About a day had passed since you had last spoken to Cas, you and your brothers had tracked down the exact location of the Cambion and were parked outside the house it was staying at.

You passed out shotgun rounds and handed Dean Ruby's knife, keeping an angel blade for yourself.

"You ready?" Sam asked. You nodded.

You all walked up to the house, splitting up to different directions. But it seemed like you missed something.

You were in the backyard of the house when a woman stepped in front of you.

"Excuse me!" She shouted in mock horror. "What do you think you are doing?"

"Um, sorry-" you stuttered. But then you saw her eyes turn black. "Damn." You cursed, lunging forwards and stabbing your angel blade into her gut. She lit up in a fiery red light and fell to the ground. You ran to the door and burst inside to see your brothers pinned to a wall, a little boy who you could only assume to be the Cambion standing in front of them.

"Y/n!" Dean groaned, struggling against the hold against him. "Do the jingle! Do the jingle!"

Right as the Cambion noticed you, you were shouting at the top of your lungs.


There was a loud whoosh as Castiel appeared, touching the Cambion's forehead. The boy burst into white light and fell to the ground, smoke rising from his burned eyes.

Cas then turned to you and said simply,

"Hello Y/n."

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