In honor of Misha's birthday, enjoy this Castiel chapter...
Yes, I do know it is August 20th. But in this chapter, it is July 4th.
You were sitting in the backseat of the Impala as Dean drove you and Sam to a 'secret destination.'
"For the love of God, can you tell me where we are going?"
"Have you checked the date today?" Sam smirked back at you.
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Figure it out," Dean chuckled.
You pulled out your iPod and your jaw dropped. How could you forget? It was the fourth of July. You looked out the window to see that it was getting dark. You were going to set off fireworks!
Dean pulled Baby off the road and parked next to an abandoned field, getting out and unloading a jackpot load of fireworks.
"How'd you get these?" you asked, amazed.
"Pulled some strings here and there." Dean shrugged. Behind him Sam mouthed, 'We stole them,' and you laughed.
You and your brothers waited for the sun to set and for it to be completely dark. Meanwhile, you told jokes and stories. You missed this. The last time you set off fireworks was only when you were a kid.
The last time when everybody was happy...
You needed this. But something was still missing.
"Before we start, I have an idea," you spoke, your brothers turning to look. "We should invite Castiel. He's helped us many times and I think he should get a chance to have fun and see something new."
"Or you want to see your boyfriend." Dean made kissing noises.
"He's not my boyfriend!" you protested, feeling your face flush.
"Say that all you want. My senses are never wrong."
"I wish, I wish with all my might, for the angel, Castiel, to take flight. And get his feathery ass down here."
You and Sam rolled your eyes. But upon hearing the flutter of wings, you turned to see the familiar angel in a trench coat.
"Y/n, good to see you. Hello, Dean, Sam."
You walked up to say hi to Cas, behind you, Dean and Sam shared a look.
"I ship it." You could hear Sam whisper.
It was completely dark and by now the stars were scattered across the sky. The noise of distant fireworks echoed across the field. You brought out four Roman Candles and handed out one per person. Tossing a lighter to your brothers.
"Cas? You need a-" But his lit up in front of your eyes. "Right, you don't need one because you're an angel."
"I don't understand, what does it do-" Cas' curious look turned to shock as a firework erupted out of the end of the candle. He jumped back, still holding onto the Roman Candle, and looked up at you in panic.
Everyone burst out laughing as their fireworks went off, staring at Cas' face.
"I don't understand, what is the point of these?" He looked down at the used firework wrapping in the grass. You sighed.
"Every fourth of July, Americans set of these fireworks to celebrate their independence. The purpose of fireworks is to watch them and have fun. They are pretty loud," you shrugged, "but they are very pretty and bright. That's why it's best to set them off at night."
He nodded. You turned to watch as the boys brought out the next load. You and Cas watched at they lit them and ran off towards you two.
Castiel's face lit into a faint smile as the fireworks exploded above you, sending sparks showering down in multiple colors.
You ran out and danced in the falling ashes. A large smile on your face.
Everyone had a chance to light their own fireworks. You turned on some music in the Impala and ran out to join everyone again.
As the next shower of sparks rained down, you grabbed the angel's hand and ran under the embers. You two spun and danced, smiles on your faces. Your brothers came out, trying to copy your and Cas' moves, mocking you in a way.
But you didn't care.
Because at the moment, your eyes were locked with Cas' blue ones. Your fingers were linked together.
Another firework blew up over you and you watched as his face lit up.
He was inches from you and slowly he bent down, reaching one of his hands up to caress your face, the other wrapping around your waist. He closed his eyes and presses his lips against yours and heart skipped a beat. You slowly closed your eyes and melted into his touch.
But you two broke the kiss all too soon, but stayed in each other's embrace.
"Get some, Cas!" The shout of Dean echoed down the field.
"Shut up, Dean!" You heard Sam yell.
At that, you and your angel pulled away, blushing.
"I'm sorry, I just felt something, a feeling and I-"
"It's fine, Cas."
He smiled, relief flickering across his features. "I don't know how to say this, but will you be my-?" He stumbled, looking for the right word.
"Girlfriend?" you prompted.
"-girlfriend?" He finished.
"Of course." You stood on your tip-toes and met his lips again.
"Hey, lovebirds, time to go." You and Cas walked towards the Impala.
"I'll see you again." Cas gave you a quick peck on the nose, then blushed, he was obviously going for the lips...
"See you soon."
Castiel vanished, leaving only the noise of wings. With a smile on your face, you slid into the backseat on the Impala. Ignoring your brother's remarks.
"I told you that they liked each other."

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...