-.-Favorite Superhero-.-

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You two both like Batman. Obviously.


It has to be Captain America or Superman.


Groot or Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy, though Cas always leans towards the Rocket side to be his favorite.


Gabriel is stubborn with his pick. It's Loki. You tried telling him that Loki is actually the villain, but he makes a pretty good agreement for hero in disguise for the Marvel movies with Tom Hiddleston.

But Tom makes everyone look like a hero.

You like Hawkeye though, but if it was your favorite supervillain, totally Loki.


Crowley likes the Hulk and Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy. You like Bucky.


You two both like Black Widow. She is badass. No other words except that.


You two like Scarlett Witch/ Wanda Maximoff and Quicksilver/ Pietro Maximoff from the MARVEL universe.

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