Just so you know, I will add imagines with Jensen or Jared if you want, any other actors available too. I just saw this prompt as was like, "I have to do this!"
As an actor, you were very busy. Your career started when you were an angel in Supernatural, one of Castiel's lieutenants. You enjoyed being in Supernatural. Jared and Jensen were your best friends and you loved to get together with them and play pranks against the cast, especially Misha, who is now your fiancé.
After a while, you were getting so many movie offers that your character was killed off so you can pursue other career options. Your fans were devastated, convinced that your character would come back later on. Perhaps.
As of a few months ago, you were offered a job as a main character in the new Mission Impossible that would involve you traveling abroad until filming ended. You talked to Misha, seeing that you wouldn't be able to visit him and plan your wedding for a while, and he agreed to let you take it.
You hadn't seen him in a long time, but finally your filming wrapped up and you were in the airport to head home. You picked up your phone to let Misha know, but you thought against it.
"Y/n?" You heard on the other line.
"Hey, Dmitri."
"How's filming?"
"Pretty good," you sighed, "we are heading out to our next destination, I'm at the airport. We need to do a couple more scenes in London. Then I'll be able to come home."
You heard a heavy sigh.
"Okay, thanks for checking in. Have a safe flight."
"Love you."
"Love you too."
You hung up as the boarding call sounded out.
Your plane landed and you headed out, keeping your head low. You didn't need any paparazzi to know you were home. You didn't want the word getting out, but you decided to give Misha a call just to keep him thinking you were in London.
The phone rang for a bit but you were sent to voicemail. That's when you remembered he had a panel today with J2.
"Hey, Misha," you said after the 'beep.' "Just wanted to let you know that I landed, have fun at your panel today! Call you later."
Your security guard escorted you to a car. "Where to, Y/n?"
"Misha's panel. I'm going to surprise him."
Upon seeing you, the guards let you backstage. You told them to stay quiet. You ran into Genevieve and she gave you a smirk, you two had been close friends before you joined Supernatural. Heck, she was to one who got you to audition.
You rounded the curtain to watch for a bit as the boys talked to the fans. You needed to wait for the right question.
"I have a question for Misha," a fan said.
"Alright," your fiancé nodded.
"I was just wondering when Y/n would be coming back, I saw an ad for Mission Impossible coming out in the summer and it said that she was acting in it, so... is filming over?"
You smiled to yourself.
"Well, I actually she gave me a call saying that they were still filming in London-" You took that as your cue to step onto the stage, holding a finger to your lips for everyone to be quiet. "-Its sad, really, I haven't seen her for months because most of the filming actually happens in the place they say it happens in."
Jared and Jensen both saw you and did double takes, but kept a straight face because your fiancé hadn't noticed.
Jared gave you his microphone to you while pretending to stretch, and you took it, deciding on what to say.
"I actually think that we're done with filming, and I'm already home."
Misha leaped up from his seat and turned to face you. The crowd screamed and cheered. Your eyes met and you blushed.
He only pulled you closer and met your lips in a soft, passionate kiss. The crowd awed and you saw the flashes of cameras through your closed eyelids. The kiss ended all too short, you didn't want to keep the crowd waiting.
"Does this answer your question?" you chuckled to the person who asked the question, handing the microphone back to Jared.
"Yes," the fan giggled.
You stayed in Misha's arms for the rest of the panel, he didn't want to let you go and the crowd was more than happy to let you stay.
When the panel ended you were swept backstage and given another kiss from your fiancé.
"I missed you," he whispered.
"I missed you, too."

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...