Victoria's Secret- Winchester brothers

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Requested by: AlexBajan


Life as a Vicotria's Secret model was surprisingly dull.

Boys gawked at you wherever you went, pointed at you when they recognized you from the posters in front of the store. You hated it, yet, you needed this job to support your family.

You were getting ready for one of your shows. You were wearing a bright lacy pink bra with matching panties and black heels. Yep, this was your life from photo shoots or strutting down the aisle. Designers were fussing over your hair and hastily doing your makeup.

Then you heard a scream. Loud, cut short though the noise echoed down the halls. Everyone paused, even the music dimmed. You pushed away your makeup artists and designers and got up, ignoring their protests.

The scream sounded strangely like your best friend and co-worker's, Morgana.

You ran down the hall, strangely proud of your talent in heels, and found her body strewn across the floor.

You faltered back, forcing down the bile that rose in your throat. You couldn't do anything. People came rushing down and screamed. Phones started dialing the cops and you turned away, choking back a sob. Then a shiver ran down your spine and the air got cooler around you, and you felt like someone was watching you.

You turned, but no one was there.


"Y/n, I'm Detective Smith and this is Detective Tyler." A tall man with long hair sat down in front of you, a shorter one with candy apple green eyes gawked at you and plopped down beside Detective Smith. "I heard you were the first one to discover the body?"

You nodded, lost for words. You had other friends sitting around you, they had been comforting you and staying with you since the murder.

"We are just going to ask a few routine questions," Detective Smith spoke again, clearing his throat. "I know you already talked to the police, so just bear with me."

"Okay," you rasped.

"Did you notice anything strange that day? For example; cold spots, a smell like sulfur, suspicious looking men?"

"What type of questions are those?" Your friend sitting next to you snapped.

"It's okay," you sighed. "Everything was normal before I heard Morgana scream. I was getting my makeup and hair finished when it happened. I got up and ran to the sound-" you choked, immediately comforted by your friends. "I couldn't do anything, she was already dead. I was in shock, I backed away as other people arrived."

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