It was late at night, or early morning, you couldn't tell. You were out on the streets of Mystic Falls, taking down a couple of vampires.
Rain was falling in thick sheets and you struggled to see movement five feet in front of you. You should've listened to Sam when he said he didn't want you going on this hunt. You wanted to run to shelter, a place where you could overpower the nest, but they were too fast. The vamps cornered you in an alley.
They smiled, fangs bared. You gripped your machete and jumped into action. Cleanly slicing one head off and turning to face the rest.
The rain clouded your vision and you felt like you were swinging blindly. Your clothes clung to your body and made it harder to move. A vamp jumped forwards and bit your neck, you immediately started going lightheaded from blood loss.
Sam words rang in your ears.
"You can't go on this hunt, Y/n. Dean and I are busy and you aren't strong enough to go by yourself!"
You threw the vampire off of you and your neck stung in response, you groaned in pain, grabbing your machete and going in for the kill.
At last, all the vampires were dead. But you didn't feel victorious. You were battered and bruised, and you felt like you would freeze or drown in the downpour.
"I should have listened to you, Sam," you whispered. Limping to find a hotel or some bathroom you could use to dry off and clean up. With each step you felt weaker, you pulled your phone out of your pocket to call the Winchesters...
It was broken.
You collapsed to the ground, pavement cutting your hands, the wound on your neck was still bleeding heavily.
"Y/n!" You heard a voice in the distance. It could be your imagination, your mind playing tricks on you due to the blood loss. "Y/n?" The voice, sounding strangely familiar called once more.
You forced yourself to a kneeling position.
"Sam?" you weakly shouted. You saw a tall figure in the distance, running to you and splashing through puddles. You blacked out and fell once more.
You weren't out for long. You woke up in the arms of someone and you still felt the rain pound against you.
"Sam?" you muttered.
"Y/n!" The person carrying you looked down, it truly was Sam.
"What are you doing?"
"Don't talk," he commanded. You were more than happy to relax in his arms, despite that you were still really uncomfortable with bite mark and the buckets of rain dumping over you. Sam carried you all the way to a motel room, which he had gotten in advance.
He set you down on a bed and grabbed some dental floss, a sewing needle, and a bottle of whiskey. He soon started addressing your major wounds and you passed out once more.
The sun was shining when you woke up. You started remembering the events of the night before as you tried to sit up and felt a sharp pain on your neck. Your clothes were still damp and you forced yourself up so that you were standing, then immediately fell from a blood rush.
"Y/n!" Sam rounded the corner from the bathroom, toothbrush in hand. He smiled softly as he helped you stand once more.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," you muttered, embarrassed, you felt a blush rise up. "Just a little dizzy."
"Thank goodness I got to you in time!" Sam's smile faded to a serious look.
"Why were you here anyways?" you asked, wanting some answers.
"I guess I knew that you wouldn't listen to me," he replied softly. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Yeah," you sighed. "But why? You said you were busy with Dean." Sam shook his head and grit his teeth together. "Sam?" You pressed, leaning closer.
"Because I care for you, Y/n," the younger Winchester said quickly. "More than a friend."
You stepped back and let what he said process through your mind, which just happened to be working a little slow today.
"You do?" you asked, to clarify. Sam blushed a deep red and turned away.
"I- I shouldn't have said anything," he whispered. "Sorry, Y/n."
"But Sam," you started, "I 'care' for you too." You heart jumped a little just by saying that in front of him. The Winchester turned back to you, now it was his turn to be shocked. You met each others gaze and you stepped forwards, standing on your tip-toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then stepped backwards, left with the awkwardness.
"I-I should take a shower." You spoke first.
Sam nodded hastily and cleared his throat. "Yeah, sure-"
"And thank you, for saving me." You walked to the bathroom.
"Wait!" Sam called. You turned back. "I forgot to put away my toothbrush."

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...