Possible Triggers?
Kind of like my -.-Upset-.- chapter but not.
Dean cries only on a rare occasion, it's not often that you see a tear streak down his cheek. He hides his pain on the inside until he breaks. When it does happen, you wrap your arms around his waist and snuggle into his chest. This shows him that you are always there for him. But when you're hurt and he cries, you make up for it whenever you see each other again.
When you cry, it's because you held in your emotions too long, like Dean. You can't really control when you will burst out crying. Dean will normally pause what he is doing and take your hand, sit you down on whatever's nearest and just listen as you talk about what you have been bottling in all this time.
When Sam cries, he likes to hide it. He turns his head away and lets a silent tear fall. You're close enough to him to know when he is upset, but he is always so sneaky about crying. When you do catch him, you'll stand on your tip-toes and kiss his cheek then relax back to your normal height and just hug him. Sometimes all you need is a hug. Later that night, you'll take him somewhere away from Dean and let him talk.
You hate to let anybody know you're crying. But sometimes when your emotions get to uncontrollable, you try and save it for the night or when you are alone. You persuaded yourself that you can handle it. But Sam can see through you and knows exactly what night to stay awake. He knows when to pull you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. You don't like to talk about it, so he'll talk for you, describing the good things in life.
Castiel as an angel always seemed so tough and emotionless. But when he became human, that's when you really started noticing the pain he had to face everyday. He seemed so ashamed to cry, so you say nothing about it.
Instead, you'll take him outside. Rain or shine. You will challenge him to count the raindrops in your hair or the petals on a flower, just to take his mind off of things. He always looked triumphant when he finished. And later that night, you will hold him close remind him that he still has you no matter what.
When you cry, you tend to call out for Cas. He'll be down in an instant with chocolate. (A tip he learned from Gabriel.) You don't really say anything, you just think about it knowing Cas will hear. He'll whisper soothing things in your ear, even when he still doesn't quite understand human emotions, but he always makes your world a bit brighter.
Behind that carefree cover, you know there is deep sadness. You can see him holding it in. You drop hints that you are free to talk whenever... But it isn't until he breaks down that he'll approach you. You'll give him a smile and do what he would do for you. You would offer him a KitKat and take him out pranking on unsuspecting people and once you got back, let him talk his heart out to you.
When you cry, you try to be quiet about it but you don't hide it as well. Gabriel will just stand by your side and hold you close, keeping an unlimited supply of chocolate near by. He will tell you jokes and cheer when a watery smile appears. If he could choose one thing about you that he likes best, it would be your smile.
When Charlie cries, which rarely happens, you will try to make her feel like she is the only person you care about. You comfort her and hug her, then take her out on a nice date. When you give home, you'll turn on the Harry Potter movies and have a marathon with popcorn and tea.
When you cry, she tries to make you laugh. This normally ends up with you two crying tears of laughter while rolling on the floor, earning weird looks from Sam and Dean. Later that night, you'll just chill and watch Star Wars and just talk about things.
When Lucifer cries, which is rare, he lets out choked sobs. He tries to hide it, but the emotions get too strong. He'll bury his face in his hands and just sit down somewhere and try to calm himself before it turns to rage. You'll normally sit next to him. You don't speak or anything, you learned that he likes to have time to himself when he's upset. You're just there for emotional support and to reassure him that you'll be there whenever he needs you.
When you cry, it's silent. You muffle your sobs and try to hold them in, only letting your tears escape. You'll go somewhere where you're alone to sort through your thoughts and to calm down. However, Lucifer always finds you. He'll wrap his arms around you and let you cry into his shirt. Then, when you're calm, he'll wipe any remaining tears from your cheeks and take you somewhere nice.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...