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When Dean gets jealous, he's sure to let everyone know you are his. He'll stick by your side for the rest of the night and show extra PDA. He'll kiss you and wrap his arm around your waist as you walk. You get frustrated with it sometimes, but you like how protective he is of you.

When you get jealous, you just excuse yourself and Dean and go home. Then you make sure Dean knows that he is yours.


Sam will get really fidgety and awkward when he is jealous. He'll put an arm around your waist then try to stare menacingly at the guy, but he always shifts his weight as if he is deciding whether to take you home or punch the guy.

Normally, when you get jealous you will stand between Sam and the girl and stare her down, kind of like what Sam does, only you are still as a stone and will not budge until the girl goes away. Then you will turn and give him a kiss, just to make sure the boundaries are set.


Cas will tense up and stand by your side, glaring at the man. He really doesn't know what to do, heck, he doesn't know why he feels "the urge to smite the assbutt where he stands." So, normally it ends up with him flashing you back to the bunker or someplace special.

Normally you don't get (that) jealous when a girl flirts with Cas. He get's so awkward and carefully inches backwards to you. When you do get jealous, you walk up and give Cas a sweet kiss on the cheek, saying something along the lines off,

"Hey Wings, who is your friend?" And give your best sweet smile to the girl. She'll either walk away or just glare at you until you escort your angel away, holding hands with him.


Gabe will flirt with the guy. He'll step right between you two and give him a "rejected hotline" number, he will give sweet smiles and wink at the guy, until he walks away. Then he will flash you out to somewhere else.

You have the exact same reaction as Gabriel.


It's quite funny to see the looks of shock and realization when they are flirting with you and Charlie comes up and kisses you on the cheek. She will start flirting with you hardcore and start showing a lot of PDA.

You just walk right up to her and give her a nice, long kiss. Then you will take her back to the bunker with a promise of a Lord of the Rings (extended edition) marathon.


The other guy doesn't stand a chance against Lucifer. As soon as the archangel gets jealous, he and the guy 'disappear,' and only Lucifer returns.

When you get jealous you're sure to show what is yours. You'll come up and kiss Lucifer, showing extra PDA until you two leave.

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