Avengers Initiative- Team Free Will

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100 Chapter Special! Will be continued in the next chapter.

Attached your fight outfits above. Yes, you are basically a scout regiment person. Cas is dressed as himself except with the black trench coat. Charlie is dressed as herself as dark!Charlie. Dean is Star Lord. And Sam is pretty much himself with the plaid and a black leather jacket.

It was an ordinary day, you and your brothers had come back to the bunker after a long day's hunt. Castiel had dropped down to make sure everyone was okay and Charlie came over to visit.

Yep, it was pretty normal, until you got a phone call. The conversation quieted as you answered.

"Hello-" You just started speaking when you were cut off by an unknown voice.

"My name is Nick Fury, and I would like to meet with all of you."

"What?" You flipped the phone onto speaker so everyone could hear.

"We are unable to track your location, but we know that you are in Kansas. Meet me at the 'Welcome to Lebanon' sign in thirty minutes, there will be a jet to pick you up, should you choose to come."

The line went dead leaving everyone quiet around the table.

"Charlie, track the call," Dean said softly. Charlie grabbed your phone and hooked it up to her laptop, working quickly.

"I'm unable to get a direct signal, it seems to be moving at a quick pace and has some anti-hacking technology." She worked a little more.

"Can you crack it?" Sam asked.

"Should be able to, give me a moment."

"I'll go scope the area," Cas spoke up, disappearing shortly after he said the last word. You looked up to your brothers with a questioning look. They nodded.

You slowly rose from the table. "I'll pack some stuff."

"Got it." Charlie's eyes scanned across the laptop screen. "It's some company called SHEILD, I traced the call to some massive ship over in the Atlantic."

"All right," you sighed. "I'm ready to go."

You got to the Lebanon sign and greeted Castiel, who was already there.

"Anything?" Dean asked.

"There is a jet approaching from the east, I could only assume that is the plane the man was talking about."

Sam checked his watch. "It's been thirty minutes."

At that moment, a fast approaching plane lowered itself close to the ground, slowing down and easily touching itself to the ground in front of you.

The back opened but no one came out.

"There are four people in there," Cas muttered. "Pilot, co-pilot, a woman, and a man. It seems as if they are waiting for us to board."

"I have a bad feeling about this," Dean said as he stepped forwards, walking to the plane. You and Sam shared a look and followed your older brother. Cas and Charlie took the rear.

You stepped onto the ramp and boarded, scanning the new surrounding. There were lots of seats, an open aisle, and you could see the pilots pressing some bottoms and the ramp closed and lights flickered on. The jet took off and you meet the gaze of a man with an eye patch. He was bald, dressed in all black with a leather trench coat. There was a woman standing next to him, she wore a black jumpsuit.

"My name is Nick Fury, I spoke with you on the phone." The trench coat man spoke first. "This is Agent Hill. We're here to talk to you about the Avenger's Initiative."

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