It's nice that Misha is trying to be tough for us, but stitches in no way are 'minor scratches.' What he really needs to do is go home, rest, and heal. That's what we need him to do. We also need the Random Acts of Kindness to boost for him and share the #weloveyoumisha with every act.
If only I lived in the area, I would find those sons of bitches and let them try to get a piece of me.
You were flopped on your bed. It seemed like there was nothing to do! You sighed, your brothers decided it would be best to leave you out of the hunt they were going on and they took Cas instead. Though human, he still had a lot of pretty good angel moves.
You and Cas were dating, secretly. It was hard to go around without being noticed by your brothers, but even harder to know he was mortal and going out on hunts without his mojo to back him up.
You were interrupted from your thinking at the sound of the door opening and heavily closing. The loud clomping footsteps of your brothers echoed down the halls and you raced out to meet them.
"Y/n!" Dean shouted as you turned the corner. Your brothers were half carrying half dragging Cas in their arms. He was wounded badly, he looked like he was torn up by a wendigo, even though they were hunting werewolves.
"What happened?" you asked sternly, Sam looked up surprised at the tone in your voice. You blushed and didn't wait for the answer, racing off to grab a first aid kit, a needle, and floss.
The boys set Cas down on his bed and you heard your fallen angel let out a grunt of pain.
"I need a damp washcloth and a bucket of water," you ordered, you were the best medic of your family. While Sam was in college and Dean was out on hunts, you ran away from your father and got into a med-school program. Whenever there was a major wound they came to you first. Sam turned to get the stuff. "And a bottle of whiskey!" you shouted behind him.
You closed your eyes and took a breath, trying to calm yourself. You unbuttoned his shirt and set it aside, ignoring the look from Dean. Sam came back with your requests and set it at your side.
"Guys, I can't work well with you hovering over my shoulder, it's stressful." The boys held their hands up in defense and stepped out the door. "Hang in there, Cas," you whispered softly.
His eyes flew open when you poured the whiskey on his wounds.
"I'm just cleaning your wounds." Then you went to work on adding the stitches. You leaned back and let out a sigh, biting your lip afterwards.
He would be okay, you assured yourself. But you couldn't help but think that you were so close to loosing him today, and what would happen if you did..
By now he was asleep so you grabbed the towel and started cleaning the blood from his other wounds and seeing if any others needed stitches. When you decided he was fine so you exited the room to give him some space...
You met Sam and Dean in the kitchen, drinking beer together. They looked at you expectantly.
"He'll be fine." You rubbed your forehead and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Did you kill the son of a bitch?"
They nodded.
"Good." If they hadn't, you would probably be in your car and driving off to get your revenge. Nobody hurt your boyfriend without paying the price. "Anyone care to explain what happened in the first place?"
Sam cleared his throat, "Um-" He glanced at Dean for help.
"One werewolf turned out to be a pack, we got stuck in the middle of it all. Sam and I got stuck, Cas came to save up and got clawed up in the process."
You nodded, taking in their story. "At least he didn't get bitten."
By now it was near sunset. Your brothers left to go pick up dinner so you decided to check on Cas. You were surprised to see he trying to sit up in bed, clenching his teeth with the pain.
"Cas, Cas!" you yelled, pushing him down. "Relax."
"I do not deserve any special treatment," he persisted. "Let me up, I'm okay."
"Yes, you do!"
He swung his legs over the bed and stood up to face you.
"Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can rest when the rest of you can't." He took a step forward, wincing. His eyes looked hollow and your heart yearned to help him more. You sighed, walking to his closet to grab him a clean shirt. "Thank you, Y/n, your kindness is appreciated."
You dipped your head, starting to turn away, but Cas caught your hand. You looked back at him and met his azure eyes. He stepped forwards and cupped your face with his hands, his face inches from yours. You tilted your chin up and met his lips.
You moved your hands and strung your arms over his shoulders. He stepped forward so your pressed against the wall.
His hands moved down to your waist and he pulled himself closer to you.
"What the heck!" Dean shouted, your fallen angel stumbled backwards and you both blushed. Your brothers were staring, gaping, in the doorway. "You! And my sister?"
"My eyes!" Sam groaned, quickly exiting the room.
"You! And my sister!"
"Dean, I-" Cas started.
"Use protection," he winked and exited the room, leaving you and Cas standing awkwardly together. But then he popped back in, "Cas, you and I are going to have a talk later, don't think I'm letting you off the hook quite yet."

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...