The Winchester's must've known the hunt would be dangerous. That's why they called you. Why else would Sam and Dean call down an angel of the Lord if it wasn't for help? And for that matter, why would they call down two?
You heard Dean call from the bunker, you came down to see that Castiel was already there.
"Dean, Sam, Castiel," you greeted, eyes focused on Dean. There was something about the older Winchester that captivated you. The way he walked around with you and told 'pickup lines' and 'flirted' with you.
When you were fallen, human with emotions, your heart seemed to skip a few beats around him. Your face would flush and you would get nervous. Sam explained that the feeling was love, and you liked Dean more than a friend. Sam told you that Dean felt the same way and you felt relieved.
You stayed with Dean and you two got closer, until you regained your grace and became an angel once more, joining the ranks in Heaven again. But your feelings for Dean stayed the same.
"Y/n." The older Winchester winked at you before turning towards everyone else in the room. By Castiel's confused look you could tell that he had not been told why he was here either. "The reason we brought you two down here because we have located a large gathering of demons and witches. Too big to fight alone, even with Bobby at our side, we need your help."
Castiel dipped his head, nodding in silent agreement. He immediately went with Sam to help choose what they would need. Dean turned and gave you a hopeful look.
You nodded. "Where are they camping out?"
You and Castiel decided to meet them at the old, run down Auto Shop the witches and demons were using as base camp. Dean suggested that you two flying there may give away your location, and encouraged you and your brother to go with them in a car.
You found the rides in the Impala slow and confining, though it was an unique and beautiful car it was compared to the others you had seen.
The sun was almost set as Sam, Dean, and Bobby pulled up at your meeting place.
"They will use the dark to their advantage," you started. "Be quick and merciless."
"I love it how you take charge," Dean whispered loud enough for you to hear. You felt your vessel's face start heating up.
"Sam has Ruby's knife," you nodded. "Bobby can have the colt and Dean, you can have my blade." You slipped your angel blade out from your sleeve and handed it to the older Winchester.
"Y/n-" Castiel interrupted, you sent him a glare and he quieted. After all, you were his superior.
"I can smite whoever comes close."
You let Sam choose the positions to take. He and Bobby would come in from the East, Castiel from the West, and you and Dean from the North and push them to the South, where you had laid out several traps.
At moon high, you separated to your groups.
"So, Y/n. I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date when all of this is done?" Dean sent you a flirtatious smile.
"I would love too, Dean."
Without warning, he lurched forwards and pressed his lips to yours. As a human, you never got the chance to admit your feelings to the hunter, but never thought you would get close to him as an angel.
Love between a man and an angel was forbidden, but now, you didn't care.
The sound of a gun shot interrupted you both and you raced towards the action, both blushing furiously.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...