Requested by: okaykidforever
Pics of you and Gabriel attached to story.
"Gabriel! I'm bored!" you shouted, laying on your bed. There was flap of wings and your favorite archangel appeared.
"Bored?" He held a hand up to his chest in mock horror. "Now, we can't let that happen." You rolled your eyes. "How about you help me practice a few spells," he smirked.
"Does it has anything to do with my brothers?"
"Maybe," he gave you a not-so-innocent look.
"They did put a fake spider in the bathtub today," you shrugged, "let's do it."
Gabriel extended a hand and you took it, getting off the bed. The two of you tiptoed to the kitchen where Sam and Dean were sharing a beer. "So what do you have in mind?" you whispered, peaking around the corner.
"Let's turn them into frogs."
You two chuckled. Gabriel lifted his hand in the direction of your brothers and concentrated.
With a bang, the lights exploded in a shower of sparks and you opened your eyes and felt that something was wrong. How did Sam and Dean grow when they were supposed to be frogs?
Then you extended a hand, it was orange and deformed! You shrieked and jumped up, going higher than you expected and hitting the wall beside you. You landed with a flop to see Gabriel was also frog, and he was smirking at you. If frogs could smirk...
The boys must have heard something and soon thundering footsteps went over your head and to your room.
"Gabriel!" you shouted. "They were the ones supposed to be frogs!"
He chuckled, "at least we can understand each other, that's a plus."
"Uhg, I feel so disgusting. Change me back."
You stretched out a leg to see that you were multicolored with blue, green, and orange.
"Why not go out and explore?" He looked over at an open widow.
You glared, "No." He let out a croaking laugh. "Change me back and you can explore."
"Alright, alright." He concentrated for a bit and nothing changed. "I can't do it," he admitted.
"What?!" you screeched.
"I don't know what happened! Promise." He reared on his hind legs in defense. You rolled your eyes and hopped away to find a mirror. Heading to the bathroom for brothers passed deep in conversation.
"Y/n is gone! We have to do something! I think it was a demon because of the lights-"
"Could be an angel, only lights explode like that for angels-"
You wanted to say you were fine, but what do you know? You were a frog. A goddamned frog. And now, you couldn't tell your brothers you were okay. You hated seeing them worry.
"Dean!" you called, as it seemed to be worth a shot. Your brothers paused, but they were pretty far down the hall. "Sam!" you tried again. They shrugged and moved on, muttering something about, figures, frogs. They then continued to talk about where to search. Gabriel hopped up next to you.
"In your defense, you are a very cute frog." You hoped your blush wouldn't show. Gabriel was your crush at the time and to be honest, he was a cute frog too. You rolled your eyes and continued your way to the bathroom, Gabriel just a hop behind you.
You jumped onto the sink and studied yourself in the mirror. You were creeped out by your vibrant red eyes.
"You sure you can't fix this?"
He shook his head. You let out a sigh, "Might as well explore."
You and Gabriel spent the rest of the day exploring, forgetting about Sam and Dean. At one point you ran across a snake, which didn't turn out so well. You two were sheltered in a tree afterwards when a bird flew by and decided you looked like a good snack. That's when you ran back to the bunker and hopped through the window you escaped out of. Both of you laughed with relief of surviving the adventure outside.
"That was the most vulnerable I've been in a long time," he laughed. "Is that what it's like to be a normal human?"
"Shut up."
"I said normal," he retorted, smirking once more. You rolled your eyes and hopped to your room where Dean was looking around for any trace of where you could be.
"I hate worrying them," you whispered.
"Don't worry, I'll take the blame," he responded.
"Really?" You really wished you had eyebrows so you could raise one.
"I'll make an excuse," he admitted. You snickered and jumped onto your bed, seeing it was nighttime. Gabriel jumped up next to you.
"Nope. You get your own pillow."
He rolled his beady black eyes and hopped onto the pillow next to you. Just because he was your crush didn't mean he could share your pillow.
"Night, Gabe."
"Night, Y/n."
But you were awoken in the middle of the night with a thud of a book falling from your bookshelf.
"What the heck?" you bolted up. You looked at your hands, flippers really. "It wasn't a dream," you growled to yourself.
"Y/n!" Gabriel yelled excitedly. You hopped down from the bed.
"Why are you awake?"
"Just because I'm a frog now doesn't mean I can sleep, I'm still an archangel." He put his hand on the book and you studied the writing.
"The Princess and the Frog?" you smirked. "You woke me up for this?"
He looked sheepish.
"I have an idea." He hopped forwards and placed what would be his lips against yours.
You felt your body structure start changing and soon you and Gabriel were standing, human and archangel again, kissing in the middle of your room.
But you two didn't pull apart. He moved his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You slung your arms over his shoulders as he started deepening the kiss. Your lips worked together in sync. Every touch was electric. Once you two paused for air, you smirked.
"Princess and the Frog?"
"I was thinking of it when I cast the spell," he chuckled.
"Only, I'm not a princess."
"You're good enough for me." He pressed his lips to yours again.
"What the heck!" The lights flipped on and you two turned to the doorway. It was Dean.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...