You two went to a diner, nothing fancy but not too shabby. For dessert, you shared some pie. You two then went for a ride in the Impala and pulled over on the side of the road. On the hood of the Impala you star-gazed and shared your first kiss.
Sam took you on a walk. You explored the shops set up on the sidewalks and spent some time at the library. Then you got food to go and ate it together on a park bench.
Castiel took you to Yellowstone National Park. You walked around, hand in hand, and watched each of the animals. You took many pictures of him enjoying the terrain around him... But before he zapped you back, he picked a beautiful wildflower and placed it behind your ear.
He took you to the Eiffel Tower where you had a lovely dinner, but he got bored afterwards and took you to Leavenworth, Washington. You enjoyed all the cute shops there and he really enjoyed going to Cold-Stone and getting candy covered ice cream.
Crowley took you to Prague, Czech Republic. You were amazed by all the architecture, then he took you over to London where you had dinner at Covent Garden while watching the performers doing their skits and songs. You wrapped up the night in Paris, window shopping for the new styles, even the King of Hell needs to look good.
You kicked Sam and Dean out of the bunker and went out to buy some pizza to bring back. Then you had a Star Wars marathon while cuddled up on the couch.
For your first date, you did what ordinary couples would do. You went out to dinner.
It was a nice restaurant, fancy, but not too fancy. After that, you left to go explore. After all, earth was much different than Hell. You got ice cream to share, though you ate most of it.
You two just talked, and talked. He had so many stories to tell, stories you would never get bored of.
To end the night, he took you to the best place on earth to watch the stars.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...