When Dean is upset, he always looks downcast. Even if he's smiling, his eyes look sad. It's almost as if he's mentally beating himself up for whatever he thinks he did wrong. To comfort him, you don't say anything, you just cuddle up next to him and wait until he is ready to talk.
When you're upset, you bottle everything up and build walls. You don't show any emotions but what normally gives you away is that you look tense and ready to spring into action. Dean just comes up behind you and gives you kisses on the cheek or massages while he whispers sweet nothings in your ear until you tell him what is bothering you.
He always locks himself away in his room or pours himself into research, claiming that he doesn't want to talk. But, you like to be sneaky and leave him little notes around the bunker. The notes say things like, "I love you," and "Always keep fighting." He'll come to you afterwards to talk.
You slouch and your moves are sluggish, like there is an anchor tied to your feet. Like you do for Sam, he leaves you notes saying the exact same things. Ever time you finish reading a note he will come up and give you a hug, making your world brighter in an instant.
Cas will just vanish, for days on end. You'll pray to him, adding sweet nothings for him to hear. A couple times you will find him sitting in a nearby field. When he comes back or you find him, you two cuddle and talk about simple things to take his mind off of the problems.
You don't try to hide your feelings, its pretty noticeable when you are upset. But you try not to burden other people with your problems. Cas will leave things around the bunker for you to find, like flowers or a bar of chocolate. (He claimed that Gabriel said it always works.) One time, he got you a kitten. You normally cuddle with Cas and your kitten and talk it out.
Gabriel will just lie around doing nothing. He might go out and play a prank on somebody, but it doesn't look like he is enjoying it. So, you lay next to him, turn so that you are facing him, smile, and offer him a lollipop.
You go and take a bath whenever you're upset. Gabriel knows something is wrong because you never take baths. Even after a long, tiring hunt you'll just take a shower. So, being the trickster he is, he'll take it upon himself to come into the bathroom and give you a massage. When you want to come out, he'll take you somewhere special.
When Charlie is upset, you notice immediately. You make her sit down, and if she doesn't want to talk, you will respect that. You'll just get up, make her tea, then sit down and read a book to her.
You always let out your feelings when you think no one is looking. When Charlie catches you looking sad or mad, she will do what you do for her. Make you tea, read a book or turn on a movie.
When Lucifer is upset, you can see it immediately. He'll come to you, covered in blood, or you can see all the emotions written on his face. You'll make him sit down and talk to you, just to help him sort though his problems and clear his head.
When you're upset, Lucifer can just tell by looking in your eyes. He'll set a canvas and some paints in front of you and tell you to create something. You two will talk while you paint and occasionally he'll bring you tea.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...