I have some requests to do, so this is a warm up. ;)
Anyways, I guess you can tell I'm back from my trip.
It was Sam's birthday so you decided to surprise the whole Team Free Will with tickets to a baseball game. You grabbed the tickets and yelled for everybody to meet you at the kitchen.
You waited as Sam and Dean wandered into the room.
"Hey, Dean?" you asked. "Do you mind calling Cas down?"
The older Winchester's face reddened and he sucked in a breath. "Hey, Cas?"
"Yes, Dean?" Castiel responded, standing right next to Dean. You and Sam gave surprised looks at each other at the quick response. Cas looked to you with a confused expression.
You chuckled. "Now that we are all here, I have a surprise." You reached into your pocket and pulled out the tickets, fanning them out to show that there was one for each person. "For Sam's birthday, I bought baseball tickets!"
Sam and Dean grinned, Cas looked as blank as ever.
"What is baseball?"
Dean gaped and stared at Castiel.
"Its a game where you have two teams. The pitcher throws the ball to the batter and he tries to hit the ball. Now, the outfielders will try to catch the ball, if they do, the batter is out. Now the batter has to run to the next base, if he reaches the base before the ball does, he is safe and will get to move again the next time the ball is hit," Dean smirked with his explanation, "and there are home runs, foul balls, and other stuff that I'll explain when we get there." The angel pondered for a minute before Sam spoke up.
"You will get it once you see it."
The four of you arrived to the stadium and blended in with the crowds of people, then went up to find your seats which were in row 15, letters D, E, F, and G. Cas sat down next to Dean on the end, which put you between the two brothers.
That when you had an idea. Looking over to Dean and Cas chatting away, a plan formed in your mind.
"Hey, guys?" They all looked to you. "I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?"
"Beer," Dean said simply.
"Make that two," Sam added. Cas just shook his head and turned back to talking with Dean.
You slipped out of your seat, but instead of heading to the stands set up, you went to the Announcers Office.
"What can I do for you, Ma'am?"
"Two things," you said sweetly. "I have a birthday for Sam W. from Dean, Cas, and Y/n."
"Alrighty, I'll add that to the list."
"And I have a couple for kiss cam, sitting in row fifteen, letters D and E."
"I'll let the camera men know."
"Thank you." You gave him a small smile and left to get the ordered drinks.
It was the end of the third inning, and the voice of the announcer echoed across the field.
"Time to announce today's birthdays and anniversaries." Everyone's eyes flickered to the big screen and you casually pulled out your phone, turning the camera on.
Happy Birthday Sam W. from Dean, Cas, and Y/n!
You watched as Sam's face lit up and he pointed with a smile at the screen, you snapped a picture with a grin.
"You guys did this?" The younger Winchester was practically bouncing in his seat, like he would if this happened when he was a kid.
"All the credit goes to Y/n," Dean smirked. Your face lit up in a blush as Sam leaned over to hug you.
"Now it's time for kiss cam! Who will the lucky couples be?" The booming voice echoed across the field as the big screen started showing couples, who freaked out and awkwardly kissed.
You saw Dean lean over to Cas and they both laughed, eyes on the screen.
But their grins melted as they showed up on camera, after all, they were in seats D and E.
Sam's eyes widened and he nudged you. You only smirked. Your plan worked.
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Sam started chanting, everyone joined in. By then, Dean's face was a bright scarlet and Cas was looking around awkwardly. But the angel slowly leaned in and kissed Dean's cheek.
The crowd booed.
"Show us a real kiss!" The announcer persisted, the chanting started up again. Dean rolled his eyes then faced Cas, expression turning serious. Cautiously, the older Winchester lifted a hand and cupped Cas' cheek, pulling his head closer.
You pulled your phone out again right as their lips met and the crowd went crazy. You got the perfect picture.
Dean reluctantly pulled away, but didn't break his gaze from Cas'.
A few more couples went on, and Dean and Cas finished their moment.
"Last couple!" You watched as the camera zoomed around the stadium, then landed at a halt in front of you and Sam.
"Gotcha!" Dean leaped up from his seat and pointed at you two.
Sam threw his head back and smiled. You heard him mutter an 'oh my God' which earned a dirty look from Cas.
He met your gaze and you felt your face light up. Sam leaned down and put his hands under your jawline. He pulled your head closer to his lips and you felt your lips meet in an explosion of electricity running through your body. You threw your arms over his shoulder and melted to his touch, forgetting the crowd around you.
But Sam pulled away all too soon and the fourth inning started.
Later that night, everyone silently reentered the bunker, sitting down in the kitchen and breaking out a pie to share.
"So-" Dean sighed after putting an arm around Cas' shoulders, breaking the silence that sat heavy over everyone. "How was your birthday, Sam?" The younger Winchester turned to you with a blush.
"The best one I ever had." He grabbed your hand and you smiled.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...