You and your husband were walking across a hidden cove in Kauai, Hawaii.
"How'd you find this place?" You asked mesmerized. Rocks created an overhang to hide the view of the sandy beach from above and turquoise water glittered with the sunset. No tourists were here, it was just you and Cas.
"Luck?" He shrugged with a smile, then bent down and picked up a seashell and handed it to you. "For you." He muttered with a blush.
You took the shell and pocketed it.
"I shall take this with me everywhere I go." You gave him a kiss, causing your angel to get even more red. You had a talent for getting Cas to show emotion, something that your brothers didn't understand.
Earlier, you and your husband decided to take a vacation. Relaxing and away from the hunt for awhile. Your honeymoon about a year ago had to be cut short due to an emergency demon case. Sam and Dean felt guilty for interrupting it, they even made this week for you two to make it up.
"By the way," you spoke again. "Happy one year anniversary." Cas pulled you close and gave you another sweet kiss.
Then he stiffened and pulled away.
"What?" You turned around to see a group of angels, your eyes widened. What did they want with you?
"Castiel, you've got quite the bounty on your head. Come with me, help me free Michael from the Cage, and consider yourself forgiven for your rebellion." You could only guess this was Raphael.
"No." Cas said flatly, shooting a glare at the group and grabbing your hand and zapping you out.
You found yourself in a forest. The tall trees blocking moonlight and making it hard to see.
"Cas-" You knew about his rebellion. You didn't know that he was still being hunted.
"Y/n, if you are wondering why I didn't go with him, I have reasons. First, if I went, they would probably kill you, Sam, and Dean so I wouldn't be tempted to come back and fight again. Also, freeing Michael would free Lucifer, restarting the apocalypse." Castiel spoke quickly. "I have to protect you, Y/n. Come on, we are not far from your brothers' motel."
You and your husband set off at a run, stumbling over tree roots.
So much for a relaxing vacation...
"Castiel." Raphael appeared a couple yards away from you. His gang stood behind him, angel blades drawn. You pulled at Cas' arm and you two broke off at a sprint in the other direction.
"Can't you zap us out again?" You gasped, dodging a tree.
"They are trying to block my power from Heaven and they are tracking me, I can't do much without endangering Sam and Dean."
You two lost the angels behind you, so, you dropped to the ground, dragged your knife across your palm, and started drawing the angel banishing sigil in the dirt. "Y/n, what are you doing?" You could practically feel the intense gaze of Castiel at your back. You blocked his view of your project. Your husband was always trying to protect you. But, now, this was about him. You loved him, and now it was your turn to fight for him.
You turned and met his azure eyes.
"Get to safety." You told him sincerely. You pressed your lips to his before putting your hand down. You barely got time to see his shocked face as an unknown force seemed to pull him away. "I love you." You whispered then turned to see Raphael.
"Nice trick, but it didn't work." He smirked.
"I wasn't trying to banish you." You pulled out Castiel's angel blade that you had pickpocketed when you kissed him. "I was trying to protect him."
"Oh, the things humans do for the ones that they love."
You lunged at the angels, stabbing one in the throat before he realized what you were doing. It went into a frenzy of the angels attacking you. You wove out of the touch of their blades, though it was easier said than done, especially crowded by trees and their dark shadows.
You felt your arm get sliced below the shoulder and you let out a hiss of pain. You stabbed another in the gut and he fell to the ground next to the other. It was too dark to see the wings burned into the ground.
It was just you and Raphael.
"You are just so petty, human."
Time skip brought to you by Dwalin's epic flashback Mohawk. Now that is just hardcore, even for a dwarf. (The Hobbit)
You were slowly bleeding out on the forest floor. Raphael had stabbed you between the rib cage then flew off to... wherever. You just hoped Cas was safe.
There was the flutter of wings and you weakly grasped the knife, just in case the son of a bitch came back. But, instead it was your husband. You could see his faint outline a few feet from you.
"Y/n!" He shouted, there was panic in his voice.
"Cas." You choked out, sounding no more than a whisper. But it was loud enough for him, he was at your side in a second.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n." He sounded genuine. He touched your forehead but no sensation of healing came, you could tell he was trying. "No-" He breathed.
It hurt to breathe, you could feel the blood in your lungs and working its way up your throat, threatening to choke you. The pain of the stab seemed to send out waves of fire across your skin and around your organs.
"Y/n!" There was a call in the distance as your brothers raced over to you and Cas. By then, your husband had picked you up bridal style and was rushing you back to the motel, Sam and Dean acting like side guards.
"Stay awake, Darling."
But the darkness was only getting deeper for you.
It seemed very cliché before, but all you wanted to think about was the good times you've had with your brothers... Bobby... and Castiel. You lost yourself in memories, good memories.
You looked up and looked at Cas one last time. His face was focused. You could feel his movement against you as he sprinted towards the motel, towards medical supplies. Through the darkness his sapphire eyes were still bright. His hands were wrapped around you tenderly, you could feel the wedding band on his finger that 'Forever and Always' had been engraved into, just like yours.
Most of his powers cut off from Heaven or not, he was your angel.
"I love you, Castiel." You mumbled. His steps faltered for a second, but no more. You reached into your pocket and pulled out the seashell, then you slipped it into his trench coat.
"Forever and always." He replied, gaze flickering down to you.
Forever and always.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...