What really annoyed you is that Dean thought you weren't capable of hunting by yourself. It was nice to know he was protective of you, but you needed to prove yourself. All throughout the week, you and the boys had been researching some strange murders.
It all pointed to ghosts. You did some research by yourself and saw that a woman had died in a similar way a few decades back and the victims were all descendants of the murderer.
You even found out where she was buried. This would be an easy salt n burn, not much excitement to it but you figured it would make Dean proud once he came to terms with you leaving without him.
Once they were asleep, you headed out and left with some salt, gasoline, a shovel, and some shotgun rounds just in case.
You spent the rest of the night digging, but you burned the bones and headed back right after Dean woke up.
"Would you like to tell me why I woke up and you weren't there?"
Sam didn't like you to go out alone in general. You guessed he forgot you were by yourself for most of your life. Maybe he didn't want you to feel alone... but his constant presence was both a blessing and a curse.
One day, you thought you could go out and bring back breakfast for the boys. You went out to the nearest pancake house and got a dozen for all of you to share. You came home and both brothers were still asleep.
Setting the bag on the table you brought out three plates. You started digging in when a 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' Sam stumbled in the room.
"I have breakfast." You chirped.
"Did you make these?"
"No, I went out and got them."
"You- what?!"
When Cas was an angel, you were able to go out on many hunts by yourself. If you got in trouble, he always came down to help and heal you. But now that he was fallen, he couldn't do anything to help except fighting with a blade. But now that he couldn't watch you, he persisted in following you everywhere.
You couldn't even go out for a salt n burn without him.
But you finally caught a case. It looked like a werewolf, you secretly let the Winchester's know before sneaking out and driving to the location.
You were cornered in an alleyway, the werewolf charging straight at you. You lifted your gun and aimed, ready to shoot, when a bang came from behind your attacker and the werewolf dropped. Revealing a furious Castiel.
"I had him!" You yelled.
"You left without letting me know!" He shot back.
Since Gabriel was still in hiding, he always kept close tabs on you. It was starting to get annoying, especially since you were planning a surprise for him.
Life had been getting a bit dull and his spirits were starting to get low, so you decided, why not?
You had been sneaking out under the radar to prepare. It was just a little party, more like get together. Castiel, Dean, Sam, and Bobby would be there.
When it was ready, you left to find him. Once you found him, he turned with an expressionless face.
"Where were you?"
You used to be a 'lone wolf' hunter. You were used to being by yourself. Each night you would go go walks along streets, through forests, or down beaches depending on where you were.
Then you met Charlie, Sam, and Dean.
You and Charlie got closer and closer and she took it upon herself to watch out for you, make sure you were always included.
You loved her for that.
But each night, you still headed out from the bunker to be by yourself. You never told anybody that you had left. You liked keeping it a secret. Everything was so peaceful at night...
You were walking through a forest when you heard twigs snap behind you. You dropped into a crouch and hid behind a tree. Then the outline of Charlie came into view so you stepped in front of her gaze.
"You never told me where you were going."
I may or may not update for the next few days... I'm leaving for Montana early tomorrow and will be gone until Monday. Also, school starts Wednesday for me. But the teachers are planning to go on strike so it may start later.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...