Okay, I really love this piece of fan art that I clipped on to the chapter.
I found inspiration to this story while I was heading up to a cabin with my friend's family. I was trying to sleep when 'Let it Be' came on, and I got an idea. Sorry if it's bad, I really didn't know how to start it or finish it...
You had been asleep for awhile; curled up in the backseat of the Impala and letting your body drag you to unconsciousness after your most recent hunt.
The rumble of the engine seemed softer than usual and Dean was playing music quietly, careful not to wake you or Sam.
It must have been hours later when you started stirring, but it was still dark out. You expected to wake up when it was lighter or when the chatter between Sam and Dean got to noisy for you to still be sleeping. You hadn't expected to wake up to... singing.
The thing was, it couldn't be Sam singing, he was still asleep. But, the voice was good! Dean normally sounded off tune. Who else could it be? Castiel hadn't zapped down, neither had any other angels or demons appeared. Dean was the only one awake...
You opened your eyes and listened closer; The song was Let it Be by the Beatles, one that you personally loved, and it was Dean singing! He sounded so good, it made you wonder why he bothered to sound off tune before... Maybe he was too nervous to sing around you or Sam.
"And when the broken-hearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer, let it be." You must have missed a stanza or two, but that was not what mattered. Dean's voice was mesmerizing! "Let it be, let it be! Let it be, let it be. Yeah, there will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be! Let it be, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be."
You wanted to say something, maybe even sing along. All you could do was lay there, dumbfounded.
"Let it be, let it be! Ah, let it be, yeah, let it be! Whisper words of wisdom, let it be." You didn't want him to stop, the best way was just to pretend that you were still asleep. "And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me, shine on until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be."
Dean seemed so lost in the music, even when he was purposely singing quietly so that he didn't wake you or Sam. Sam, hadn't stirred yet.
The next stanza started and Dean hadn't started singing again, you decided it was time to let him know you were awake.
"Let it be, let it be! Let it be, yeah, let it be. Oh, there will be an answer, let it be." You sang out and sat up your voice harmonizing with the Beatles. Dean jumped and the Impala swerved a bit. With a groan, the older Winchester straightened Baby back onto the proper side of the road. "C'mon, Dean." You gave him a smile. He blushed deeply, such a thing you had never seen him do before.
"Let it be, let it be! Let it be, yeah, let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, let it be." The two of you finished the last stanza together and you leaned forwards so that your head was next to Dean's. He looked up at you then pulled the Impala over to the side of the road.
"How much did you hear?" He questioned.
Now it was your turn to blush. "I missed a couple stanzas." You replied. "But, enough to know that your true voice is amazing and that you shouldn't hide it until Sam and I are asleep."
Dean turned so that your faces were inches from each other. "You're not such a bad singer, yourself." He spoke softly. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
"You should start driving, before Sam wakes up and gets suspicious."
Dean nodded. "Not before I do this, though." He pressed his lips to yours and you responded immediately, deepening the kiss. His hands were over the front seat and he pulled you closer, well, as close as you could get.
His tongue brushed your bottom lip, asking for entrance. But you denied, hearing Sam shift slightly, beginning to stir.
You two pulled away.
"To be continued later?" You asked.
"Only if you keep my secret." Dean winked, you nodded. He turned back to the steering wheel and started the Impala once more, getting back on the road.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...