You leafed through the lore book you were reading. There had been a series of murders in Denver that left you and the Winchesters clueless. You were in the bunker's library trying to research before leaving for the hunt. You plugged in your headphones and turned on 'Jet Pack Blues' by Fall Out Boy.
She's in a long black coat tonight// Waiting for me in the downpour outside// She's singing "Baby, come home" in a melody of tears while the rhythm of the rain keeps time
"Y/n. Y/n! Earth to Y/n!" You snapped out of the song to meet Dean's green eyes, giving him a bitchface for interrupting you from listening to music.
"Yes, Dean?"
"Any clue on what the creature is?"
"No." You sighed, taking out your headphones and set your iPod aside. "I think we should call Cas." You looked up and could've sworn you saw the older Winchester suppress a smile. I glanced over to Sam and he sent you a devilish grin, you nodded and giggled.
"What?" Dean gave you a stern look.
"Nothing." You controlled yourself and gave him your best sweet smile. "How about I call him, I've haven't done it in a while."
Dean sat down with a huff.
"Hey Cas? We need your help, want to get your feathery ass down here?"
"Okay Dean, you call him." You sent a smile over to Sam. Dean's face lit up and he shifted in his seat.
"Hey Cas, we need you-"
There was a flap of wings.
"Hello Dean." You and Sam both jumped up from your seats and high fived each other. Cas and Dean turned and stared at you.
"I'll just excuse Sam and I." You grabbed the younger Winchester's arm and dragged him out of the room, grabbing your iPod on the way. "Destiel plan on the go." You muttered softly.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but, we need to give them a push. I can't just stand here when they are so clueless to that they like each other!" Sam admitted and you smiled, looking down at your iPod.
"I have an idea."
"You called for me." Gabriel appeared.
"We need your help." Sam spoke, handing him your iPod.
You and Sam returned to the room to find Dean and Cas sitting next to each other, but there was a gap between them. You huffed and started walking towards them.
Once you were close enough you winked at Sam and he stuck his foot out and 'tripped' you. You fell forwards and hit Dean, causing him to fall onto Cas. Sam quickly helped you up and stepped you away from the blushing angel and hunter.
They awkwardly and slowly pulled away from each other, but the gap between them closed a little bit. Sam sent you a smile.
"Do you mind if I play some music?" You asked sweetly. Dean rolled his eyes.
"As long as it's good music."
"Don't worry, it's Fall Out Boy. They have 'good music.'" You plugged your iPod into your portable speakers and soon Jet Pack Blues came back on. Of course it started off normal but then...
They were so unsuspecting.
He's in a long trench coat tonight// Waiting for me in the downpour outside// I'm singing "Baby, come home" in a melody of tears while the angel in the rain keeps time
"What?" Dean jerked his head up.
(I'll wait for you then)"Baby come home"// (I'll wait for you then)"Baby come home"// (I'll wait for you then)"Baby come home"// (I'll wait for you then)"Baby come home"
By now Cas was alert and Dean was blushing furiously.
"Y/n! What did you do?"
"Called the trickster to change the lyrics of the song but still make it sound like the original singers." You shrugged innocently, and looked up at Dean with a smile on your face.
"Oh my God!" He yelled.
"Don't use my father's name in vain." Castiel interrupted. You and Sam burst out laughing.
"Cas, don't you- don't you have any objections to this?"
There was silence and Dean's face dropped.
"You liked it?"
"Despite the lyric change I found the song enjoyable." He said plainly. "But, I think I know what the murderer is."
He changed topics. Wow...
But as you watched as they communicated, you knew you had pushed them together a little more. They leaned towards each other, shoulders occasionally touching. You shared a look with Sam and he mouthed 'Destiel.'
Maybe they do share a 'profound bond.'
You got up to go to the kitchen and Sam followed.
"You sure if it worked or not? Dean is very resistant-"
"Just wait." You whispered. "You can't force love but you can nudge it. Follow me." You tip-toed back to the library and looked into the room.
There was Cas and Dean.
Sitting next to each other.
Holding hands.
Holding hands.
You and Sam leapt away from the door and had a mini fangirl moment.
"I'm about to barf rainbows from all that cuteness!" You jumped in mini circles.
"Such a cute couple." Sam agreed.
You casually walked back to the library, but you stopped when you heard Dean's voice.
"Now we just need to hook up Sam and Y/n-"

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...