Hope you all had a fun Halloween last night!
I changed the age difference of Thomas and Sheperd to fit the story line.
You thought getting sleep was hard because you were an actor. But now that you and Jared had a little boy and a bundle on the way... Sleep was impossible.
It was one of those rare times when your husband was home from working late at the Supernatural set and you both were silently drifting to unconsciousness.
"Mama?" A little voice sounded from across the hall. "Mama!" Your eyes snapped open and you slid out of bed, hurrying to your son's room. You heard Jared get up and follow you.
"Thomas?" You entered the room to see your son sitting up, and crying on his bed. "You okay?" You sat down and he snuggled close to you. The bed dipped with a new weight as Jared sat down beside you.
"I hawd a nightmare." He sobbed.
"Aw," you cooed, "would you like to tell me and Daddy about it?"
"Mmhmm." Thomas sniffled. "There were ghostes and they were in my room."
You wished you could say ghosts weren't real. But he knew that you and Jared fought off monsters on TV, even though he was too young to actually start watching the show.
You looked over to Jared with a little smile. "You know that your dad and I fight off ghosts, right?"
Thomas nodded.
"And you know that your mom and I would never let them hurt you?" Jared spoke up.
"Yeah." He sniffled a little more.
"So, I bet no ghosts would even dare come here. They're probably to afraid that we will- send them somewhere else."
"You sure?" Thomas looked up at your husband.
"Of course, you're safe."
Your son let out a shaky breath and you wiped away his tears.
"Go back to sleep." You whispered and he laid down. You and Jared got up and pulled up the blankets and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Love you."
"Luv you too."
You and Jared were awoken by the cries of your youngest son. You quickly got out of bed and ran to Sheperd's room. But once you got there, you saw that Thomas was sitting on your youngest's bed and holding his little brother close.
Jared walked up behind you and you turned with a finger on your lips and pointed.
"-you know that Mommy and Daddy fight off ghosts? They always keep us safe."
"Really?" Sheperd whispered.
"Yeah! They told me that ghosts are too afraid to come here, because Mommy and Daddy will fight them away." Thomas had a little smile on his face.
"Wow." Sheperd sniffled. "But what if Mommy and Daddy are gone?"
"There's Uncle Jensen and Uncle Misha, they fight bad guys too."
Your boys stayed together for a little bit longer.
"Are you all better now?" Thomas asked. Sheperd nodded. "Goodnight."
You and Jared ducked into your room as Thomas exited. You both laid back on your bed.
"I think this is a parenting win." You sighed. Jared nodded as you snuggled into his side.

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...