-.-First I love you-.-

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You were slowly bleeding out in the back of the impala, Dean holding you in his arms. It was one of the rare times he let Sam drive... You had been fatally injured hunting vampires.

"Dammit, Sam, drive faster," you heard Dean growl. Your vision was ebbing black.

"I'm trying to push the limit without getting arrested!"

"Who cares? The Police will understand! Now step on it!" You felt the Impala accelerate, you coughed in response. Blood trickled from your lips and pain fired from your wound in your abdomen.

"Y/n, you got to hang in there! We're almost to the hospital, just stay with me!" You tried to focus on Dean's apple green eyes and fight off the dark, but you couldn't. "No, no, Y/n! I love you, you just got to stay with me!"

But, you had passed out.

There was an annoying beeping noise. You slowly opened your eyes and saw Dean gazing down at you, tears glittering in his eyes.

"Dean!" You tried to sit up, but winced remembering your wound.

"Y/n! Don't ever do that to me again!"

"I won't, because I love you too."

You were out sitting in a grassy field, laying backwards and watching the stars. Before hunting, you were an astronomer, you knew the constellations by heart. Beside you, your boyfriend, Sam was listening to you as you talked about stars.

Finally you finished, and he looked impressed.

"Huh, most guys get so bored when I talk about stars," you admitted, lowering your head with a blush.

"I think it's fascinating, and it makes you sound so smart." Sam gave you a smile and you giggled. You watched as his look turned serious, as if he was pondering whether to say something or not. Sam then took a breath and spoke again. "And how could I get bored listening to the one I love?"


"Yes, I love you, Y/n." His face flushed immediately, he looked like he regret saying that. You scooted closer to Sam and gave him a soft kiss, which he deepened in response.

"I love you, too," you whispered when you two had finished.



"Yes, Cas?"

"I have a feeling that I can't explain, do you know what it is?" Cas tilted his head at you and your heart fluttered.

"Okay, describe what you can about it." You walked over to Castiel.

"Well," he started, "my stomach feels unsettled and my heart skips a few beats. It only happens around you," Cas blushed, "and I can't stop thinking about you. When I see you, I get all warm inside and-"

"It's called love, Cas," you giggled and blushed too.

"So, that's love," he seemed to ponder. "Then, I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too, Wings."

"May I do the honor of, what humans call, kissing you?" You smiled and reached forward, grabbing his tie and bringing his lips to yours.

You were out at a diner. You had completed a hunt and were heading back to the bunker, where Sam and Dean were waiting for you.

"Hey, Sweet Thang." There was a flutter of wings and Gabe appeared in the chair in front of you.

"We're in public, Gabe."

"So?" He pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket and took a bite out of it.

"So, someone might have seen your entrance and freaked out."

"Don't ruin the moment, you're too serious. Have a lollipop." He reached out and slipped a tootsie pop into your pocket.

"What moment?" you joked.

"I just came down because I realized," he paused for effect, "that I love you."

He looked dead-serious at this, his eyes only showed affection. "I'm not joking, Y/n."

"If that's the case, then I love you too."

"Good," Gabe said, sounding satisfied and smiling. "Meet me here, tomorrow, at six o'clock. Let's call it a date."

"Deal," you agreed. Gabe leaned across the table and kissed your cheek.

"See you around, Sugar." And with a smirk, he was gone.


You were standing with Charlie on the roof of a hotel you to had chosen to stay the night after a hunt. You had just stepped out for some air, and you were looking out on all these people who were running around and dancing beneath you on the street. Charlie joined you shortly after.

The stars were.. You didn't know, they were there. You didn't remember the sky; you were staring at her.

It started to rain, and she said, "Want to get out of here?" right as you said, "I love you."

Her eyes widened, with a chuckle she said, "Oh, I've been in love with you for a long time."

Based off a story I found.


You and Lucifer had gotten in a fight for a reason you couldn't remember any more. All you knew that it was stupid, and you had regretted yelling at him.

After your fight, Lucifer had disappeared. You waited for his return for hours, but he had never come back. By now it was nightfall, and you had given up your hope for the day and decided to head home. You crossed a darkened street, trying to keep out of sight in the sketchy neighborhood.

Unfortunately, a figure crossed your path, his face mostly masked by a handkerchief. He pulled out a gun from his hoodie and pointed it at your chest, flicking the safety off.

"Wallet, jewelry, now," he said, shaking his gun towards the cement. "Easy now, nice and slow."

With shaking hands, you grabbed your wallet, tossing it down the sidewalk.

"The necklace, we haven't got all day."

You glanced down at your necklace, a simple charm filled with grace on a golden chain. Lucifer gave it to you, you never took it off. You loved the archangel, though you never told him. There was no way in hell you were going to take off the necklace.

"C'mon!" the man shouted. "Take it off-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before he exploded into thousands of red droplets.

"Lucifer!" you cried out, racing over to him. You engulfed him into a hug. "I'm so sorry!"

"I know you didn't mean what happened back there. I forgive you, I hope you can forgive me to."

"Of course," you said, "I love you."

Lucifer froze, and so did you. You didn't mean for that to slip out.

"I love you, too."

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