Requested by: McCallYoStiles
Just so you know, requests are open. I can do Sam, Leviathan!Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel, Young!John, Deanmon, or Charlie. Lots of options to choose from. Or you can request another preference.
Trigger warning: Mention of suicide. If you are feeling down, please remember that help will be given if you ask. I am here for you if you need to talk.
You sat down at an empty diner, ordering a cheeseburger and a drink. You opened your laptop in front of you and immediately went to researching. You pulled up the article that lead you on this hunt as well as multiple lore pages that helped you discover what, exactly, you were hunting.
A String of Murders Stumps Police
A man found dead in his home is another victim on what seems to be a string of murders.
Police have been having a hard time figuring what the connection is, but they believe that there is a serial killer in our town.
"There is no need to worry-" says chief officer Williams- "We have extra patrols on the streets. We just advise you to be careful and remember to lock your doors and windows at night, seeming morning is when most bodies are found."
These bodies are always found with a single cut across the throat.
You stopped reading. It seemed a lot like a ghost to you now, but in another newspaper article it claimed that the people had been lured out, witnesses claimed to hear the voices of the victim's wife or husband. So, maybe it could be a Crocetta, but the gash appeared to be a clean stroke. Crocetta's weren't known to be tidy.
Ghost. You decided and started doing more research to find out the connection and possible victims.
"-I'm telling you Sammy, there's got to be a connection." The diner bell rang as two tall and handsome men dressed in suits stepped in, faces deep with conversation. Police. You rolled your eyes and focused yourself again.
"Obviously there is, but the police have obviously did background checks..." Okay, not police. FBI?
"Well, the police don't know what we know." The shorter one looked over and met your gaze for a second. He kind of looked familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on where. The men sat themselves at a booth far away from you. They spoke in hushed voices now but you could have sworn to pick up the word "ghost" in their conversation.
Next thing you knew the familiar one got up and walked over to you.
"Did it hurt," He started.
"If you're going to flirt with me, don't even bother." You didn't even look up from your laptop.
"My name is Dean Winchester, and I can't help but notice that you look familiar." Then it clicked. Dean Winchester! You two were in the same high school for a while and... you went out with him. That is, until he cheated on you.
"Dean?" You looked up and met his gaze once more.
"Y/n?" He gasped. You sent him a sickeningly sweet smile, you never really stopped liking him but then you forced yourself to hate him.
"I thought you would have forgotten me, seeming that other chick was too good to be true."
Dean spluttered, recalling the memories.
"But I'm guessing you forgot about her because you were just trying to flirt with me not five minutes ago."
"Well, I-" he pulled a smile.
"What are you doing here, Winchester? I heard you talking about the murders."
"I'm with the FBI." He pulled out a badge that strangely resembled yours given to you by Bobby. Heck, it had one of Bobby's numbers on it!

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines
FanfictionJust supernatural preferences and imagines, I alternate each chapter. Currently going through and editing, feel free to point out errors. Requests: -character (Sam/Dean/etc) -relation (girlfriend/best friend/etc) -scenario/chapter title -species (hu...