The New Girl - Liam Imagine

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Liam's POV

Ever since Scott turned me things have been pretty good. I like Beacon Hills High School a lot, and I am finally able to put the incident from my old school behind me.

The first class I have is English, I don't like English. The room is always so cold, and it's English. If I can all ready speak it then why do I have to sit here for an hour and a half and learn it. I sit down in my normal desk behind Mason, and pull out my homework which I didn't do. Oops. I was at a pack meeting with Scott really late last night and didn't have enough time to do. My thoughts were interrupted by our door closing. I look up to see the most beautiful girl.

" Ah, class we have a new student. Ms Y/L/N would you like to introduce yourself."

" Sure, I am Y/N Y/L/N, I am fifteen years old and I just transferred here from Devenford prep."

Oh great.

Your POV

" Okay Ms.Y/L/N why don't you go take a seat behind Mr. Dunbar."

I quickly walk to the desk and start taking out my stuff. Crap, I forgot a pen. maybe the guy in front of me will have a pen I can borrow. I tap him on the shoulder, he turns around quickly. He has blonde hair and perfect blue eyes. He looks familiar but where is he from.

3rd person POV

" Can I help you." He says with an amused look.

" I was wondering if you have a pen that I could borrow." He turns around to get you the pen.

" Here you go." he says handing you the pen.

" Thank you."

" No problem. Is that all."

" Yeah. It's just that you look familiar and I can't figure out where your from."

" Well I used to go to Daven prep, but I got kicked out." He says the last part quietly, clearly embarrassed.

" That's okay, because I was to." you say with a slight chuckle. He looks shocked at first, but then he smiles.

" I am Liam, Liam Dunbar."

" Well it's nice to meet you Liam, I am Y/N." You say with a grin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry if it's short, but I hope you liked it. if you have a request just comment or message me your teen wolf character and a bit of the back story.
Thanks for reading
Xoxo - H💋

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