Puddle Wars - Derek imagine

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For DerekHalesSister

Today was a rainy day, but your boyfriend Derek insisted that you go outside and train and since Derek is so stubborn you had no say. You were trying to pay attention to what Derek was telling you but you just wanted to enjoy your day and have fun. Dire you love Derek but he needs to learn how to have a good time, and you were gonna teach him. You walked over to a puddle near Derek and jumped in it getting you and Derek more wet than you already were.

"Y/N, stop fooling around and pay attention." Derek says annoyed.



"Yeah you heard me Derek Hale. No, not till you learn to have fun." You say jumping into another puddle getting you and Derek more wet.

"I can have fun." Derek says.

"Oh yeah."


"Fine, then prove it." You challenge.

"Fine then." Derek says jumping into a puddle getting you all wet.

"Oh it's on." You say jumping into puddles and splashing Derek. You and Derek play in the rain for the rest of the afternoon, splashing each other and running around having fun. By the end of the day you were exhausted. You came in and sat on the couch while Derek made a fire in the fireplace. When he was done Derek joined you on the couch.

"I had fun today." You say.

"Me too." Derek replies kissing your forehead.

I hope you like it DerekHalesSister , sorry it's short. Feel free to comment, request and vote. Thanks for reading.
-xoxoxo H

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