The Future - Isaac Imagine

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Tears streamed down your face as you ran towards Isaac, who was now laying still on the ground. When you reached him you gasped. You didn't expect his wounds to be so bad. Large gashes covered his abdomen, each cut seemed deeper than the other, and he seemed to be bleeding out fast. You knew deep down something bad was going to happen today. It was like a weight that just seemed to keep you down, but you could have never predicted this. You never thought Scott would agree to join the alpha pack, you never thought he would turn on you. He was your best friend since preschool, and you trusted him with your life. You never thought he would hurt them, his pack, his family, but you were wrong. All of you were.


You knelt down beside Isaac attempting to stop the bleeding long enough so Lydia could call an ambulance. Isaac's breath was getting heavier, slower, he was starting to struggle. You didn't want him to be in pain. You love Isaac. You have been dating for three years, since before this whole werewolf thing was even a problem. You were always there for him when he was struggling with his father, and he was there for you, whenever you needed him. His eyes started to close. The only thing you knew you had to do was keep him awake. Keep him talking.


"Hey. Come on Isaac. You have to stay awake okay. Keep your eyes open, alright." You say trying not to break down.


"Y/N?" Isaac croaked.


"Yeah? Don't worry, I'm here, I won't leave you I promise. You just gotta stay awake. Keep talking to me."


"Y-you know, when I t-thought about the f-future I always imagined y-you and I growing old together. G-get married somewhere in V-Vegas. Just like t-those cheesy m-movies you always m-make me watch. B-buy a big house, somewhere on a f-farm. With horses a-a-and pigs. M-maybe we'd have some kids. I always wanted a d-daughter. She would h-have you e-eyes and my nose, and we'd give her a ridiculous middle name, a-a-after one of our ancestors, and when she gets o-older and has c-children... we'd be those crazy g-grandparents. The ones that spoil the children every chance they get. And we'd t-t-tell those s-stories about o-our adventures." Isaac smiled briefly.


"That sounds perfect... I promise you that when you are better, we can do that. All of it."


"Y/N, I want you to promise me that when I'm gone you'll m-move on. Find a person to grow old with. And n-never forget t-that no matter h-how far apart we maybe, I w-will always love y-you."


"You don't have to worry. You're going to be fine, alright. You can't leave now, in a few years we will be graduating. We won't have to worry about monsters and all this other crap alright. We're gonna be just fine..." You cry not wanting to say goodbye.


"It's alright. I'm not in pain anymore. Just know that it has been an honor knowing you Y/N Y/L/N. Never change." Isaac struggled.


"I love you Isaac, so much." You say kissing his forehead. Not a second later Isaac fell limp in your arms. The sound of his heavy breathing ceased and was now replaced by silence. You tears flowed down your face freely as you cried clinging onto Isaac. You heard crying behind you from the rest of the pack, but you didn't care at this point. Isaac was gone. He wasn't coming back... Stiles slowly made his way over to you, he wrapped you into a hug and slowly started pulling you away from Isaac. Your tears stained his shirt as he continued to let you cry with his face buried into his chest. Stiles was crying too, but you could tell he was trying to stay strong for you. For the pack. People looked at Scott as a Brother, a friend, a mentor, but most importantly as an alpha. He betrayed you, he betrayed Stiles, Liam, Lydia and anyone else who referred to him as family. He killed Isaac...

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading I really hoped you enjoyed this update! Does anyone read these? I should start making my authors notes more interesting. And what do you all think of the new season?!?! It seems like it's gonna be good!!! Thanks again guys. Love y'all!!! (I never say y'all in real life so I don't know why I do here?!? It has a ring to it.)
- Xox H💋

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