Good at Everything - Theo/Liam/Brett imagine (pt.2)

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Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't posted in a long time I just got back from vacation so I will update more over the next few days. For those who requested imagines I promise that they will be up this week. So anyway I got a lot of requests to make a part two so I hope you guys enjoy!

You were practicing you soccer skills on the field, when Theo Reaken ran over to you.

"Hey Y/N."

"Oh hey Theo."

"Your really good at this." Theo says as you kick the ball into the net.

"Thank you."

"So Y/N. Your smart and pretty and I'd like to get to know you a bit better, so would you like to go out with me." Theo asks.

"Yeah I'd like that."

"Okay great I'll pick you up on Friday around six." Theo suggests

"Sounds good."

"Okay see you in science." Theo says before turning around and walking away.

By the time Friday rolled around you were really excited for your date. By the time you finished getting ready, you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door to see Theo standing there.

"Wow Y/N, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Theo."

"Anyway we should get going." Theo says taking your hand and guiding you out the door. You and Theo got inside his car and started to drive.

"So Theo where are we going." You ask.

" we are going to the fair that's in town for the next few days."

"That sounds so much fun." You say excitedly.

"Well I'm glad." Theo chuckles.

About ten minutes later you and Theo pulled up to the fair.

"We are here." Theo smiles.

"Yeah let's get going." You say getting out of the car. Theo doing the same. You and Theo get ride passes and enter the fair grounds.

"So Y/N what do you want to ride first."

"Let's go to the coaster." You say grabbing Theo's hand and dragging him to the coaster and a few other rides. After an hour of going on rides you and Theo decide to go play some games. You and Theo pick the game where you try to knock over the cans with a ball. By the end of the game you knocked over all your cans while Theo knocked over none.

"Wow you really are good at everything." Theo says as you pick your prize.

"Not everything." You reply.

"Oh really then what is something your not good at?"

"Well I'm not so good at...." You were gonna say before someone cut you off.

"Y/N, Theo. Funny running into you guys here." You look up to see Liam from your history class along with one of his friends from Davenford Prep.

"Oh hey Liam." You greet.

"This is my friend Brett." Liam introduces you as you shake Brett's hand.

"It's nice to meet you Brett, I'm Y/N." You say.

"It's nice to meet you."

"So what brings you guys here." You ask.

"Yeah what brings you guys here." Theo repeats you in a slightly angry voice.

"Oh you know........... Just decided to come hangout, but then we saw you guys and we're wondering if we could join you?" Liam asks.

"Of course you can join us." You say happily

"Oh goodie." Theo says sarcastically. As Liam and Brett stand there with huge smiles on their faces. The four of you decide to go on some rides. After a couple of rides you excuse your self to go to the washroom.

(While your in the washroom)


"We just heard you guys were going to the fair, so we though we could join you." Brett says not so innocently.

When you walk out of the washrooms you hear yelling. You walk a little further only to see Theo yelling at Brett and Liam.


"Theo what the hell is your problem?" You ask clearly angry.

"Dumb and dumber can in hear and ruin our date."

"No they didn't. I was having a lovely time till I came out of the washroom and heard you yelling at my friends like a crazy psychopath."

"So you prefer to hang out with these two losers over me."

"First of all your a real asshole Theo and second I'd prefer Liam and Brett over you any day."

"But I'm your date." Theo whines.

"Well not anymore, now if you will excuse me I'm gonna go finish this date with Brett and Liam." You say hooking arms with both Brett and Liam and walking off. Let's just say you had a wonderful date with Brett and Liam.

Hey guys what did you think? I hope you enjoyed and like I said I will have the other requests up sometime this week. Anyway thanks for reading. Love you all.
-xoxoxo H💋

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