Excercise Really? - Brett imagine

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" Come on Y/N please, I need someone to help me practice lacrosse and you the only one that was not busy." Your boyfriend Brett says to you as he pulls you on to the Beacon Hills lacrosse field.

" For your information Brett I was in the middle of doing something very important." You sass.

" Y/N binge watching Netflix doesn't classify as very important."

" Well it dose to me, and you know I don't even like lacrosse." you say.

" Why Y/N its my favourite sport and I just need a little bit practice."

" I don't like lacrosse because it's a sport, a sport that involves running, running is an exercise and I don't do that." you state.

" Please Y/N." Brett asks.

" Okay fine." you say sounding defeated. you and Brett pass the ball around for what seems like hours. that is until you dramatically fall to the floor.

" Woah. that was to much, to much exercise. I think I'm gonna pass out, how long were we out here for." you say acting as if you were gonna die.

" Five minutes Y/N, we only played for five minutes." Brett replied.

" Well that is five minutes to many." you say getting up.

" How about we go to my house and watch a movie, you can pick it that way we both win." you suggest.

" Sounds good." he replied.

" Race you there." you offer.

" I thought you said you don't run." He asks with an amused grin.

" I don't, unless there Netflix involved." you reply.

" This is why I love you Y/N."

" I know, I love you too."

I hope you liked it feel free to comment and request. thank you for reading.
- xoxoxo H

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