Popular - Liam imagine

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You walked throw the doors of beacon hills high ready for another day of hell, I mean school. You hated school for starters you didn't have many friends, and for some reason the popular kids hated you, there was only one reason you like school and that reason is Liam Dunbar with his dirty blonde hair and his blueberry blue eyes and his amazing lacrosse skills. BRIIIIGGGGG your were interrupted by the bell and great your off to math your least favourite class.

You were sitting in class when you heard Emily, the most popular girl in your grade talking about a pool party they were going to have. Even though you didn't quiet like the popular kids except Liam you still got upset when you didn't get invited to things because you wanted to live your high school life to the fullest. The bell rang signalling you to go to you next class, science with Liam. you got to class and took a table near the back. you pulled out you notes and started to study. you were to busy studying to notice someone come up beside you.

" Excuse me, can I sit here." you look up to see Liam with a big goofy smile on his face.

" Umm, yeah sure." You ask slightly confused as to why someone never mind Liam would want to sit beside you.

" It's Y/N right." Liam asks.

" Yeah." you say blushing at the fact that he knew your name.

" Well Y/N there's a pool party this Friday and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

" I'd like that." you replied.

" Great I'll pick you up Friday at 8:00."

" Okay sounds good." you say as the bell rings telling people it's time to go home.

Friday finally comes around. you decide to wear your red polka-dot one piece with light blue shorts and a grey Fall Out Boy band t-shirt over top. you put your hair in a side pony tail and slipped on your pink flip flops. About three minutes later your heard a knock at the door to see Liam standing there in green swim shorts and a grey tank top.

" Wow, Y/N you look great." Liam says in awe

" Thank you, you look good as well." you say as you blush.

" Thanks. we should get going."

" sounds good." you reply.

You and Liam walk to the party. it took about ten minutes to get there. when you got there Liam knocks on the door, with in seconds Emily opened the door. she took one look at you and her smile started to fade.

" Liam what is she doing here." Emily asked Angrily.

" Y/N's my date." Liam say confidently.

" Haha that's very funny, losers like her don't hang out with people like us." Emily laughed. Liam was about to say something but you cut him off.

" She's right Liam, go and enjoy the party." you say turning around to leave. you feel someone grab your hand you look up to see Liam with a smile on his face.

" No, Y/N is my date and she is not a loser she is one of the coolest people I know. so if you wouldn't mind getting out of our way because we have a party tot go to." Liam says pulling you into the house and towards the pool. lets just say that you to had a good night.

sprayberry__  I hope you like it. you guys should go check out her books she's really good at writing. Thank you for reading as always feel free to request imagines and pereferances, thank you
- xoxo H

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