Caught (P.t 2) - Liam Imagine

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You had broken up with Liam two days ago. You felt betrayed that Liam would hurt you like that. He cheated on you with your best friend. Over the past few days you have been doing everything in your power to avoid Liam and Hayden, but wherever you went they seemed to be there.

Because finals were coming up, you decided to head to school early and study. You got to the library pulled out your books and started studying. Not five minutes later Scott McCall takes the seat in front of you.

Scott was like a brother to you. Your mom works with Melissa McCall down at the hospital, so when you and Scott were younger your mom always dropped you off at Scott's house when both she and Ms. McCall had to work a night shift, so you wouldn't get lonely staying home at night all by yourself.

"Hey Y/N, whatcha studying for?" Scott asks sliding your text book away from you so he can look at the cover.

"Science. Now could you give that back." You say giving Scott an annoyed look. Scott slides you your text book, and you go back to studying. After a few seconds of peaceful silence Scott speaks up again.

"Y/N..." Scott starts.

"What Scott." You growl clearly annoyed that he keeps interrupting your study time.

"I just want to see how you were doing. I know breakups can be hard." Scott says sympathetically.

"I'm fine, I just didn't expect it to end like that." You reply sadly.

"Liam's sorry you know. He feels bad, so dose Hayden."

"Well, that's their problem then." You say angrily. Turning back to your text book.

"Are you going to talk to them."


"I'm not saying you should forgive them. I'm just saying talk it out. You might feel better. I'll see you later Y/N." Scott says getting up and walk out of the library, probably on his way to Stiles locker.

'Maybe Scott was right, maybe I should talk to them.' You thought packing up your text books and exiting the library now on the search for Liam and Hayden. After twenty minutes you finally found them sitting on the bleachers out by the lacrosse field. You slowly make your way over to them. You take a seat next to them. They both look at you with a hopeful expression.

"Y/N, we are so sorry. We never meant to hurt you. It's not the same hanging out without you." Hayden says.

"I'm not forgiving you, but I figure it's only fair to let you explain so...... Explain." You say a bit nervously.

"Well, the last three weeks you were only hanging out with Scott and Stiles. I-I thought you didn't love me anymore. I was upset so I went to talk to Hayden, I had to try to figure out if you still wanted to be with me. I was talking to Hayden and the next thing I new we were kissing. We only went out twice before you caught us. I didn't think it would hurt you that bad, if I knew I never would of done it. Y/N, I love you."

"Of course I still loved you Liam. Y-you should of came and talked to me. We could of worked it out!" You say tears starting to form in your eyes.

"I know, I'm so sorry. I should of came to. I-I don't k-know what I was thinking." Liam says sadly.

"I swear Y/N, if I could take it back I would. Can you forgive us." Hayden asks hopefully.

"Maybe in the future I'll be able to forgive you, but now I..... I just can't. I hope you can understand." You say standing up.

"We understand, and when you're ready we'll be here for you." Liam says.

"Thanks. And Hayden take care of him." You say motioning to Liam.

"I will. Bye Y/N." Hayden says holding back tears.

"Bye guys." You whisper walking away.

Hey guys. I got a lot of requests for a part two so I hope you like it. Also if you like Harry Potter feel free to go check that out, also feel free to comment, vote and request. Thanks for reading. Love y'all.
- Xoxoxo H💋

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