Valentines Day - Isaac imagine

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Y/B/N = your boyfriends name
Y/B/F/N = your boyfriends full name

Today was Valentine's Day. You were excited to be going to a fancy restaurant tonight with your boyfriend of three years Y/B/N. You curled your hair and put on a beautiful red dress. Once you were ready you got in your car and drove to the restaurant. When you got there you made you way up to the hostess station.

"Hello do you have reservation?" The hostess asks.

"Yes, it should be under Y/B/F/N."You reply.

"Yes right this way." You follow the hostess to a table near the back corner of the restaurant. You sit down and open your menu. Five minutes later a waitress that looks to be in her late thirties comes over to your table.

"Hello darling, could I start you off with anything yo drink?" She asks politely.

"Could I please have a Cherry Coke?" You ask.

"Sure thing, I will be right back with that." She says turning around and heading to the kitchen to get you your drink. You look down at your watch to see that Y/B/N was ten minutes late, which is not like him at all. 'He probably just got stuck in traffic.' You thought to yourself. Your thoughts were interrupted by the waitress placing your Cherry Coke in front of you.

"There you go darling. Now can I take your order?"

"Actually I'm just waiting for my boyfriend, he's running late do would it be okay if we wait for him?" You ask hoping Y/B/N gets here soon.

"Of course, I'll swing by in a few minutes. Enjoy you Coke!" Minutes have started to pass and now Y/B/N was forty minutes late. You were starting to believe that he wasn't going to show up. After a couple more minutes your waitress came back.

"Are you sure you don't want to order anything sweetie?" She asks seeming concerned.

"I really should ge........" Before you could finish your sentence a guy who looks to be about your age sits in front of you.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry I'm late." He says opening the menu.

"I'll have the ribs. What would you like sweetheart?" He says looking at you, leaving you completely confused.

"Just go with it." He whispered so the waitress wouldn't hear.

"Um.... I'll have the same thing." You reply.

"Alright I'll be back with those shortly." She said walking off.

"Ummmm.......... Who are you?" You ask the attractive guy across from you.

"I'm Isaac, Isaac Lahey. I saw you sitting here all alone, and figured some jerk stood you up." He says confidentiality.

"Wow.... That was nice, but you didn't have to do that." You say slightly blushing.

"Yes, but no one deserves to be treated like that, especially not on Valentine's Day."

"Well thank you. That's very kind! I'm Y/N by the way."

"Well Y/N I hope you don't mind me joining you." He asks

"I wouldn't mind at all!"

Dinner went great. You were starting to really like Isaac. He was funny, kind and listened to everything you had to say, unlike Y/B/N. As the night started to come to an end you found yourself getting sad. You didn't want it to end. The waitress brought you your check. You started getting your wallet when Isaac grabbed the check from your hand.

"I'll get it." He says

"Isaac, you really don't have to do that."

"I know, but I want to." He says confidentiality. Isaac payed the bill and tipped the waitress. You and Isaac stood up and made your way out of the restaurant.

"Thank you for everything Isaac." You say kissing him on the cheek.

"Anytime. Ummm Y/N, I know you you have a boyfriend and all, but I think you deserve someone who will treat right, and make you their first priority. So I was wondering if you'd like to do this again sometime?" He asks you nervously.

"I'd love to Isaac." You say grabbing his hand. Isaac walks you to your car. You exchange numbers, the say good night to Isaac. You get into you car and drive home. You put on your pyjamas and climb into bed. As you lay in bed all you could think about was Isaac.

Hey guys. Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoyed this update. I will be posting a part two for the Theo imagine very soon. Feel free to vote, comment and request. Thanks for reading! Love y'all.
- xoxox H💋

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