Conversation (pt.2)- Theo imagine

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   Theo was asleep when he was awoken by the sound of his ringtone going off. Slowly he looks over at the clock, seeing that it's 4:30 am hesitantly picks up his phone. ' who could possibly calling at this hour?' He though hitting the green answer button.

   "Hello?" Theo asks groggily.

   "Theo, it's Scott. I...well....." Scott started.

   "Scott. It's 4:30 in the morning. Couldn't this wait till tomorrow?"

   "No, Theo. It's Y/N.... She was in an accident, someone broke into her house, she's..... She's gone." Scott said trying not to break down.

   "What? No! Your lying. That can't...... No! I just talked to her. She was fine!"  Theo said tears forming in his eyes.

   "I'm sorry Theo. I know how much she meant to you."


    "How what?"

   "How did she die?

   "Stab wounds to the abdomen. She bled out before anyone found her." Scott said

   "No. No! She can't be gone we..... We were s-supposed to go out.... I should of been there. I should of protected her." Theo whispers as tears stream down his face.

   "Theo.... My pack is doing everything to find out who did this, but in the meantime try to get some rest. I'll call you if anything else comes up."

   "Alright. Just promise you'll find out who did this."

   "Of course."  Scott replies before hanging up the phone. Theo violently throws his phone across the room. Shakily he stands up, his vision blurry from all the tears. He quickly makes his way into his car. About ten minutes later he pulls into Beacon Hills lookout. The sky was clear and the stars were out. It was a warm night. The sun wasn't supposed to rise for at least another three hours. Theo got out of the car and sat on the hood.

   "This wasn't supposed to happen. We were supposed to be together forever. Remember? That's what you said the first time we came here. After graduation we were going to get an apartment outside of Beacon Hills. Y/N I don't know if you you can hear me of if I'm just talking to myself, but I want you to know how sorry I am. I should of been there. I should of protected you, and I promise I will find the person...... Or thing that did this to you, and I will make them suffer for what they did. I love you Y/N, never forget that.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed. I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for 50k reads. It really means a lot. Also you guys should go Check out my friend DreamOfPalace new story Saving Savannah. Anyway thanks for reading, feel free to vote, comments and request. Love y'all.
-xoxox H

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