Unexpected- Allison imagine

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For DerekHalesSister
I hope you enjoy it!

You were in the woods hanging out with your best friend Allison. You were both practicing you shooting skills, well more like you were practicing she was busy texting.

"Hay Alli, you gonna stand there and text all day or are you gonna come and practice." You yell.

"Oh sorry, I'm coming." Allison says picking up a bow and arrow and shooting a bulls eye.

"So who were you texting." You ask curiously.

"Umm. Just some guy."

"So is he like a boyfriend or something?"

"Well kind of I guess." Allison answers.

"Well then who is it?"

"Umm.... Scott." Allison replies.

You and Scott used to go out about a month ago. You thought he really loved you, and you loved him. When he broke up with you, you were heartbroken.

"Y/N say something." Allison says nervously.

"Allison, you know how I feel about Scott. Your my best friend how could you do this to me?" You say as tears start to form in your eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N, we were talking and he asked my out. I wasn't thinking."

"Yeah well obviously." You reply.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Allison asks a bit taken back.

"That's the thing you never use your head, you always let your emotions control your decisions." You snap.

"Oh really Y/N look in the mirror your always letting your emotions get the best of you." Allison yells.

"Well I'm sorry, I'm not perfect, but you didn't have to steal my boyfriend."

"Y/N he's not your boyfriend anymore. Open your eyes he doesn't love you anymore I don't think he ever did." Allison yells immediately regretting it once she sees the tears streaming down your face.

"Screw you Allison." You yell turning around and walking away.

"Y/N, I'm sorry, Y/N please don't go." Allison says going after you.

"Well why would I stay Allison you are my best friend. You know how I feel about Scott. Why would you do that?" You scream.

"I did it as a distraction, okay." Allison says tears starting to form in her eyes.

"A distraction, from what?" You ask.

"A distraction from you."

"Allison why would you need a distraction from me?"

"DAMMIT Y/N, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." Allison yells.


"I love you Y/N. I love the way your nose crinkles when you laugh, and how confused you get when we study and how you put everyone else in front of you. I love you, and I know you don't feel the same bu...." Before Allison could finish you crash your lips on the hers. You two kiss for a few minutes before breaking apart.

"I love you two Alli."

Hey guys I hope you enjoy it. And DerekHalesSister I hope you like it sorry it took a few day's. Feel free to vote, comment and request. Thanks guys. Love y'all.
-xoxox H💋

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