I love you - Stiles imagine

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For @nemoidasipapak

You were sitting in your room working on your homework , you were trying to find your history book. after ten minutes of looking around your room you realize that you probably left it in your older brother Scott's room the last time he helped you study. You walk down the hall way to Scott's room, you were about to knock on the door but before you could do so you heard more than one voice. It was probably Stiles. you decided to come back later because they sounded like they were in the middle of a pretty deep conversation about who the hell knows what. that was until you heard your name, you got curious and decided to listen a bit.

Stiles POV:

" How's things with Kira." I ask trying to hold a conversation.

" It's going okay, she's in New York right now. how about you, how's your crush on Lydia doing." Scott asks.

" Um I don't really like her like that anymore."

" Really dude, you liked her since third grade." Scott says confused.

" Yeah well, I'm kind of in love with someone else."

" Who is it." Scott asks eagerly.

" If I tell you promise you won't get mad.

" Yeah, sure."

" I'm in love with Y/N."

" Like my sister Y/N."

" Yeah." I reply quietly.

" Cool."

" Wait, cool what."

" Well, your my best friend, I trust you." Scott says sincerely.

Your POV:

After hearing that stiles likes you, no, loves you, you were so happy. you always liked him but you thought he liked Lydia so you left the feeling alone. you quietly enter Scott's room so stiles doesn't hear you.

" But she probably doesn't like me back." you hear stiles say with disappointment in his voice.

" I'm not to sure about that." Scott says pointing towards you. Stiles turns around and sees you standing there and you chuckle at how much he's blushing.

" Y/N, how much of that did you hear." Stiles asks stumbling over his words.

" Enough to know tha..." Before you could finish Stiles cuts you off.

" I'm sorry, can you maybe just forget about this."

" Stiles, you didn't let me finish. I heard enough to know that I love you too." you say, and stiles face lights up.

" Really then I hope you don't mind if I do this." he says as he pulls you in to a kiss. The kiss lasted about ten seconds until Scott awkwardly clears this throat.

" Stiles your my best friend, and I love you like a brother, but can you please wait till I'm out of the room before you start making out with my sister." Scott says leaving the room, making you and stiles laugh.

I hope you like it, the other requests should be out soon sorry I haven't posted them all yet I'm on vacation, but they should all be out by Tuesday. thank you for reading feel free to leave a request, comment of vote. thanks guys
- xoxoxo H

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