Just Dance - Brett imagine

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For sprayberry__
Sorry it took so long.

You were at your house with your two best friends. Liam Dunbar and Brett Talbot. You were hanging out by your pool talking about whatever drama was going on in your life's, when your favourite song just dance by Lady Gaga came on. You started to sing along but Brett had a better idea he went over to the grass area and started dancing. You and Liam start laughing as Brett starts doing some of the most cliché dance moves like the disco and the sprinkler.

"Hey Brett nice dance moves." You laugh sarcastically.

"Like you could do any better Y/N, and besides I'm the dance master." Brett says doing the robot causing you and Liam to laugh even harder.

"One Brett don't call yourself the dance master ever again like ever. And two Y/N could beat you in a dance battle any day." Liam said still laughing at the fact that Brett just called himself the dance master.

"Fine then Y/N I challenge you to a dance battle." Brett says confidentiality.

"Okay Brett whatever helps you sleep at night." You reply

"Liam your the judge."

"Okay, I just wanna see you get your ass kicked by Y/N."

Liam turned on the music and GDFR by Flo Rida came on. You pulled out your best street dancing moves while Brett stuck with jazz hands and the worm. By the end of the song Liam was on the ground dyeing of laughter at Brett's horrible dancing. Liam collected himself enough to announce the winner.

"Okay that was easy, Y/N you win." Liam says quickly before going back to laughing.

"Wow Y/N, I didn't know you were that good at dancing." Brett says to you.

"Well I am a street dancer, but maybe we could go take lessons someday, there's always room for practice." You suggest.

"I would like that." Brett replied

"Good, Liam can come to." You say. Liam suddenly stops laughing.


"When we take dance lessons your coming." Liam groans, now it's time for you and Brett to laugh at a pouting Liam.

Hey guys, thanks for reading. I hope you like it sprayberry__ . I will post the rest as soon as possible thank you for being so patient. Well I hope you liked it. don't forget to comment, request and vote. Thanks guys
- xoxoxo H

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